Essay on Water Pollution in English

Essay on Water Pollution in English – Water is life or life cannot be imagined without water, as we have heard these lines many times, read and while writing essays on water pollution. They have also been used. But the question is whether till now we have understood the true meaning of these lines. If you have understood, then why even today in India, the most sacred river Ganga or other rivers, which are worshiped like a mother, are getting polluted? If this creation has originated from water and all living beings are alive by drinking water, then why the water level is decreasing from the ground level? Why rivers are drying up and we are not getting clean water to drink? Water is that precious wealth of nature, which we have to protect and use while thinking for the future generation as well.

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Essay on Water Pollution

Essay on water pollution in English from our page. Water pollution introduction, Pollution of Water in English, Causes of water pollution, Side effects of water pollution, Remedies of water pollution, etc. Apart from this, with the help of our Water Pollution Essay, students can also participate in the Water Pollution Essay in English competitions in schools and colleges and show their penance by writing a beautiful article. can perform. While writing Water pollution in English Essay, you can also get information from the points mentioned below. The purpose of this water pollution in English and water pollution in English essay is to spread awareness among people about water pollution in English and about it. Read the essay on water pollution in English from below in simple and easy words.

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essay on water pollution Essay in English

essay introduction on water pollution

It is absolutely true that if there is no water on the earth, then without water everything in the whole world will become desolate. Water is that unique wealth for all the people of the world, by drinking which all the creatures, animals, birds and trees, and plants are alive on this earth. The beauty of natural things like rivers, canals, lakes, lakes, and seas is also alive with water. If they do not get water, then there will be no meaning in their beauty. If we do not want to lose their beauty, then first of all we have to make our water free from pollution. Water is that beautiful form of this nature, from which food grains, fruits, flowers, and gardens bloom, and clouds rain like nectar and only by saving water and conserving it, we can use it properly. If we do not pay attention to this increasing water pollution problem in time, then a day will come when the whole country will be facing a water crisis.

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meaning of water pollution 

Before knowing the problem of water pollution, it is very important to understand the meaning of water pollution. When the contaminated elements get mixed in different sources of water like rivers, lakes, well, ponds, seas, etc., then we call that situation water pollution. Due to natural and human causes, these contaminants and toxic elements get mixed in the water and make the water polluted, due to which the water loses its natural quality. In simple words, it can be understood that when we throw any kind of waste directly into the water, it causes water pollution.

What is water pollution?

Now we know what is water pollution. Such foreign substances get mixed in the water and change the natural properties of the water in such a way that then that water is neither fit for drinking nor is it of any other use for us. This type of water also has harmful effects on our health. Because the usefulness of polluted water is less than before, it becomes less useful, this is what we call water pollution. Serious problems like water pollution are seen in most developed countries. According to the World Health Organisation, the PH level of drinking water should be between 7 to 8.5. If seen, water has a more self-cleaning capacity, but when an excessive amount of pollution dissolves in water, then water pollution starts happening. Water pollution occurs when animal excreta, toxic industrial chemicals, household and factory waste, agricultural waste, and Substances like oil and heat get mixed. For this reason, our natural water sources like lakes, rivers, seas, underground water sources, etc. are becoming victims of pollution, which is having serious and fatal effects on human beings and other living beings.

definition of water pollution 

Different thinkers and scientists have given definitions in their own words and presented their views on the problem of water pollution. Following are some of those definitions, such as-

CS According to Southwick, “When the physical, chemical, and biological properties of natural water are changed by human and natural activities, it is called water pollution.”

Pro. According to Gilpin, “When the physical, biological and chemical characteristics of water are deteriorating due to human activities, it is called water pollution.”

due to water pollution 

There are two main sources of water pollution: 1. Natural and 2. Human.

  • natural sources of water pollution Water naturally gets polluted due to many different reasons. Water pollution occurs naturally when mineral substances, plant leaves, humus substances, excreta, and urine of humans and animals etc. get mixed in water. When water accumulates on land and the amount of mineral matter in that land becomes high, then those minerals again mix in that water, which is called poisonous substances. If these are in excess, they can prove to be very fatal and dangerous. Apart from this, substances like nickel, barium, beryllium, cobalt, molybdenum, tin, vanadium, etc. are also naturally found in water in small amounts.
  • Human sources of water pollution- Due to the different activities or activities done by humans, garbage, dirty water and other waste materials get mixed in the water. Water gets polluted due to the mixing of these substances. Such waste material is generated in various forms, such as domestic waste, human excreta, industrial material, agricultural material etc. Human sources are the main cause of water pollution more than natural sources.

types of water pollution 

The main three types of water pollution come in front of us, whose names are as follows-

  1. Physical water pollution- When physical water pollution occurs, it changes the smell, taste and thermal properties of water.
  2. Chemical water pollution- When chemical water pollution occurs, due to which chemical substances are mixed in water from different industries and other sources, due to which chemical water pollution occurs.
  3. Biological water pollution- When different types of disease-causing organisms enter the water and contaminate the water so much that it becomes harmful for water health, that is called biological water pollution.

effects of water pollution 

Due to water pollution, various types of fatal consequences come in front of us. If we drink polluted water, it will cause different types of diseases in our body. Earlier only the people of the villages were getting affected by serious diseases due to the contaminated water, but today the situation is that the cities are also coming in its grip. If we use polluted water even by mistake, then different types of problems start happening in our body. The skin of the body starts getting spoiled, diseases related to genes start happening, man starts getting physically and mentally weak and sometimes he even dies.

The effect of water pollution is being seen on humans as well as on animals, birds and forests. Due to the mixing of polluted elements in the water, the figures of death of animals and living organisms in water are increasing every year. Due to the death of fishes living in the water, it is becoming difficult for the fishermen to feed themselves. Their source of income is going away. Apart from this, the side effects of water pollution are also affecting the livelihood of the farmers because the agricultural land is getting destroyed due to contaminated water, forests are getting destroyed, which is a serious problem. When polluted water passes through any kind of agricultural land, it completely destroys the fertility of that land. Once the fertility of an agricultural land is lost, it is very difficult to make it fertile again. If a farmer irrigates his fields with polluted water, So he has to bear its side effects on his agriculture. The reason for this is that when dirty water is used for irrigation, traces of such metals are found on the land which reduces the efficiency of agricultural production. Water pollution spoils the whole cycle of the earth.

water pollution problem 

At present, the problem of water pollution is standing in front of us as a big problem. The rivers, ponds and canals from which we live by drinking water, that water itself is making us seriously ill today. Crores of people in villages and cities are facing the problem of drinking water. Whenever the scientists of our country conduct nuclear tests in the seas, such particles and substances are found in the sea from that test, which have a bad effect on the sea creatures, flora and our environment. Due to this the environment of the earth becomes completely unbalanced.

When the waste materials, chemical elements and hot water coming out of factories and big factories get mixed in the river or sea, they not only increase water pollution but they also generate heat in the environment. Due to the warming of the atmosphere, the amount of animals, plants and vegetation starts decreasing and due to this the balance of the aquatic environment also starts deteriorating. Similarly, if water pollution continues to increase, then the day is not far when people will yearn for clean water on earth. Even a little water pollution affects the lives of all of us in a big way.

In today’s modern era, water pollution is bent on affecting not just one person but the whole world. The effect of water pollution is becoming a serious threat to the health of the entire nation. Polluted water is the cause of two-thirds of the diseases occurring in our country. From the newborn to the elderly, the effect of water pollution is very harmful for their health.

diseases caused by water pollution  

Due to the continuous increase of water pollution, various diseases and epidemics are also increasing day by day in the whole world. There are many such serious and dangerous diseases due to which people are losing their lives. These diseases are making humans as well as animals and birds their victims. They are having a bad effect on their health. Diseases caused by water pollution include typhoid, jaundice, cholera, gastric, skin diseases, stomach diseases, diarrhoea, vomiting, fever etc. The risk of spread of these diseases increases even more in summer and rainy season. To avoid these diseases, you must follow the measures mentioned below.

ways to prevent water pollution

To avoid the problem of water pollution and to reduce it, we must follow all possible measures at our own level, such as-

  • We should get the drains and drains of our house and street cleaned regularly.
  • Proper arrangement of pucca drains should be made for drainage.
  • Faeces, household substances and garbage that accumulate should be removed as soon as possible.
  • Continuous research and changes should be done to make polluted water clean.
  • Washing clothes in rivers, wells, ponds etc., taking water by entering inside, bathing animals, bathing humans, cleaning utensils should be completely banned.  
  • From time to time, such medicines should be added to the water obtained from wells, ponds and other water sources, which will increase its usefulness. 
  • Awareness should be created among the people about the problem like water pollution. Every information about its causes, side effects and prevention should be conveyed to the people.
  • People should be given environmental protection and environmental education.
  • Regular checking, testing, cleaning and protection of ponds, rivers, drains etc. should be done by the government from time to time.
  • All the people should be told about the damage caused by water pollution while promoting through various media.

prevention of water pollution

We all have to work together to prevent water pollution completely. Apart from this, the Central Board for the Prevention of Water Pollution is constituted by the Central Government under Section 3 of the Water Pollution Prevention and Control Act, 1974. Keeping in mind the serious problems and fatal consequences of water pollution, the Water Pollution Prevention and Control Act was established by the Government of India in the year 1974. After this, another Water Pollution Prevention and Control Act was established in 1975. Several amendments and changes were made by the government from time to time in the Water Pollution Prevention and Control Acts, whose objective is to improve the quality of water and make it useful.


The faster the problem of water pollution is increasing, the faster the side effects of water pollution are falling on our daily lives. That’s why now we all have to be aware and come forward in maximum numbers and work to eliminate water pollution. It is the responsibility of every citizen to do his bit to save the earth from water pollution and before others change, he should bring change within himself.

The popular line “Water is life” is taken from the following poem-

Water is life,
creation originated from water, water is holocaust,
all living beings live by drinking water, water is life.

Cold, touchable, pure, happiness, sarvas,
odorless, word, form, juice,
formless, water, solid, gas, liquid,
three qualities, sattva, rajas, tamas,
pleasant touch, luscious sweet sound, divine beauty.
All living beings live by drinking water, water is life.

In the earth’s surface, water, ocean,
standing still like snow on a deep mountain, clouds roam around
in the atmosphere, guarding water without all in the deserted world, this is a unique wealth. All living beings live by drinking water, water is life.

River, Canal, Tap, Lake,
Sarovar, Vapi, Koop, Kund, River, Nirjhar,
the best beauty of nature,
every day, every day, sound music, beautiful
water, food leaves, fruits and flowers.
All living beings live by drinking water, water is life.

The cloud brings water like nectar,
it rains in the house and courtyard,
but does not store it,
then it flows and
creates holocaust, it roams around, how foolish the mind is.
All living beings live by drinking water, water is life.

– Shastri Nityagopal Katare

Frequently asked questions related to water pollution – FAQs

People also ask

Question- What is water pollution?

Answer- When poisonous substances and contaminated particles mix in lakes, canals, rivers, seas and other water sources, then the water gets polluted. Such substances settle down in the water and get accumulated, due to which diseases start to flourish in the water.

Question- What is water pollution essay?

Answer- When toxic pollutants mix in the water used in human life and spoil it or make the drinking water dirty, then it is called water pollution. Water pollution is very harmful for our environment.

Question- How does water pollution happen?

Answer- There are two main reasons for water pollution, first natural reason and second human reason. Apart from this, mixing of different types of harmful substances in water also causes water pollution.

Question- What is water pollution and the harm caused by water pollution?

Answer- Not only humans but animals are also affected by water pollution. Polluted water is neither drinkable nor suitable for agriculture and industries. It also reduces the beauty of lakes and rivers.

Question- What are the sources of water pollution?

Ans- Poisonous substances, mineral substances, leaves of plants, humus substances, excreta and urine of humans and animals are the main sources of water pollution.

Question- What is water pollution, write the measures to prevent it.

Answer- To avoid water pollution, we should get the drains, wells, ponds and rivers cleaned from time to time and should not make them dirty. Apart from this, all the laws related to water pollution should be followed.

Question- What is water pollution, give four reasons for water pollution.

Answer- The substances which are used for daily household tasks like cooking, bathing, washing clothes, cleaning, etc., get mixed in the rivers through drains, which causes water pollution.

Question- Which diseases are caused by water pollution?

Answer- Due to water pollution, we usually get many serious diseases like loose motion, diarrhea, dysentery, vomiting, etc.

Question- Why are the rivers polluted?

Answer- When human beings throw garbage, waste material, toxic chemicals coming out of factories, etc. in the rivers, then the level of pollution in the rivers increases. Most of the pollution happens in the river Ganges. 

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