Essay On Student Life In English

Essay On Student Life In English– The stage of student life is the most important stage in the life of all of us, because from here we learn to identify right and wrong. Ups and downs in life also start from student life itself. In student life, a student’s teacher has the biggest role in guiding him. In student life, we definitely have a true friend who is the companion of our every happiness and sorrow. In student life, we learn the importance of studies, discipline and time, as well as do sports and fun.

If you want to read and understand student life in detail, then has brought you Student Life Essay in English. From this post you can read Student Life Essay. By reading the Essay On Student Life given on this page, you can know what is the importance of student life, what is the purpose of student life, what is the importance of discipline in student life, time in student life What is the importance, what is the importance of sports in student life etc.

We have tried to write Life of a Student Essay in English in very simple, easy and clear language, so that you can easily understand our Student Life Essay in English. You can get information by reading the About Student Life Essay In English given on this page and can show it in school by writing Essay In English On Student Life. Through this page, you can read essay on student life in 100 words and essay on student life in 300 words as well as 10 lines on student life and poetry on student life. Essay on Student Life in English Read from below.


There is a saying that not every student becomes a successful person in his life but every successful person definitely becomes a student in his life. If you have set the goal of your life and you are determined about it, then you can prove this saying to be false. Student life is full of struggle. A student has to work hard continuously to get education. The life of a student begins at the age of three and lasts for many years.

student life role

Student is made up of two words, Vidya + Arthi which means a person who is interested in learning. In student life, the student is taught about right and wrong so that he can grow up to identify right and wrong. Along with being disciplined, students are also taught how to talk to elders and elders. The student should respect his parents and teacher. When a student gets good numbers/marks in the examination, their parents and teachers are most happy and their heads are held high with pride. Earlier students were sent to Gurukul to get education. But later education was made compulsory for all and new schools were built. So that now children do not have to go far away from home to study. Today education is being given more importance. This is the reason why today’s students have to fight with the burden of scoring marks in the exam and many difficulties to make a career. In such a situation, students need proper guidance. If they are exposed to the subject of their choice along with guidance at the right time, then they will definitely be successful. The student should choose the subject according to his interest so that he can study happily. They should be facilitated with such an education system that they do not feel burdened by studies.

importance of student life

The time of student life is the most important and exciting time in the life of any human being. This time of student life builds his future. The student should make full use of this time so that he does not have to face disappointment in the future. Students should take every step very carefully in their student life. That’s why student life has its own importance. Time is very important in the life of a student. The student properly understands the importance of education in his student life. When a student enrolls in school, his main objective is to acquire knowledge. When a student goes to school, there he meets new teachers, new friends as well as many classmates. A clean environment is found in the school where they study. Everyday new thoughts arise in the mind of a student. These thoughts can be of both positive and negative types. A student is expected to imbibe positive knowledge and discard negative thoughts or feelings. If they accept the negative sentiment, then they may have to face a lot of difficulties in the coming times. Some points related to the importance of student life are mentioned below-

Best time to study

Student life is the only time where you can study stress-free. When students go to schools, universities, colleges to study, then there is maximum stress of earning and job on them. That’s why students should study stress-free from student life i.e. fifth or seventh grade itself.

Importance of discipline on students

Discipline is very important in the life of a student. A student can be successful only when he studies with discipline. If a person studies with discipline, then he will definitely become successful one day and he will live a happy life in the coming times. If the same person adopts indiscipline, then he will always have to face difficulties throughout his life.

Duty of the students

The first duty of student life is to study well and take care of your family.

Importance of sports in student life

Sports have a lot of importance in student life. Student life is the only time where students can learn various sports. In such a situation, they need proper guidance. If they are promoted properly in the field of sports, then the students will go far ahead. Schools and colleges should keep teachers related to sports so that students can talk to them about their favorite sports and where to start in the career field of their favorite sports, how to proceed etc. needed.

What should student life be like?

A student should keep balance on his daily routine, his behavior, work style and his mind. In student life, you learn to speak the language of culture. Student life should always be lived independently. A student should live freely some golden moments of his life. Some students are also afraid of participating in sports and asking questions related to their problems to the teachers, but a student should not be like this, he can speak his mind openly. Students should always have the spirit to study with enthusiasm.

Things like small pranks, pranks, fights that we did in school remain memories for a lifetime. We should not do any kind of fashion in our student life and should use only the uniform given by the school. All the rules given by the school should be followed. Student life is a time of competition, in such a situation, every student wants to move ahead of each other, for which they all work hard. But not every child can top, students should also accept this fact. We need to live our student life wisely. In student life, we should stay away from bad things. In student life, students need to pay maximum attention to their health. Along with sports, the student should also do exercise daily. A student should also take out time for entertainment for a few hours so that his mind is clear and he can study properly. A student should always make good use of his time.

qualities of an ideal student

The future of our country depends on today’s young generation. These students will later become youths who work to take the country to great heights. There are many types of students in student life, one who studies hard and moves ahead. But on the other hand, there are students who waste their time only in having fun and later they feel disappointed. Following are the qualities of ideal students-

  1. A student should make proper use of time.
  2. The student should always follow the discipline.
  3. The student should respect the elders as well as the parents and obey the orders given by them.
  4. There must be a feeling of helping the student.
  5. The student should have curiosity.
  6. The importance of sports jump is very high in student life.
  7. There should be patience in the student.
  8. A good student must have the quality of doing today’s work given today itself.
  9. A good student should have faith in himself.
  10. The student should have the morale to ask questions.

importance of time for student

Time is very precious and we should not waste it in any way and especially the students. The time once gone never comes back. Time is the most precious thing in the world which we should use to achieve our goal. Students should pay special attention to their work and time. Students should complete their work in the stipulated time. Students should learn about history, society, country etc. from their elders in free time, this will develop their mental power. Today education has started being sold. Due to the construction of big private schools, a wave of despair has started appearing among the children of poor families. They feel that they are less educated than students attending private schools. In such a situation, their parents should show the way at the right time that one day they too can go ahead of the students studying in private schools by studying in government schools. That’s why never consider education as small or big. Education is the same for everyone, it just needs to be used in the right way at the right time. Following are some essential things related to the importance of time for the students-

  • Students should give importance to education instead of money.
  • Student should never waste his time in wrong way.
  • Parents should tell their children about the importance of time from childhood.
  • They should know that time does not stop for anyone. That’s why you should always keep moving with the times.
  • Students should complete their work within time.
  • Students of student life have to understand that both hard work and time are important for success.

student goals

The first goal of any student is to study properly, to achieve a new and higher position in life, which will make him and his family proud. In order for the students to fulfill these goals, they should take care of various things-

  • To fulfill the goal, students should take out time and study.
  • The student should also take care of his health.
  • The student should take the advice of a person older than himself to achieve his goals.
  • Students should follow the time properly to complete their goal.
  • Students should resolve to achieve their goal and keep trying to control it until the goal is achieved.
  • Students should participate in programs like sports etc.
  • Students should use patience to achieve their goals.
  • You should have the right knowledge of which direction to go.
  • Students should solve their problems by themselves.
  • Gather information about new research related to your goal.
  • Find out what’s new about your goal.
  • The student should actively participate in the training, programs etc. related to the goal.

What is the penance of the students?

It is also a penance for students to study for knowledge. They get knowledge through education. The success achieved in life is kept from the student life itself. The script of what the students are going to do in the future is decided in the student life itself. The student also does penance so that he gets a good job. He should have a nice and big house. The student studies hard to take advantage of all the comforts of the world in his life so that he gets all these facilities easily.

purpose of student life

The main aim of student life is to acquire knowledge. In such a situation, students should take the knowledge from wherever they get, as well as share it among their classmates. This will let them know more things. The mind of student life is very fickle. He gets attracted towards the visible things around him. In such a situation, they should first gain complete knowledge of anything, then only say something about that thing or give their reaction on it. The children who study away from their home should take special care of these things that they should use the time properly so that they can get success soon.


In the end, in conclusion, we can say that a student has many experiences in student life, as he learns to take care of everything while being aware and active, he comes to manage time and he can manage his time. Let’s also decide the goal of life. A student should live the student life freely, because this life never comes back again.

essay on student life in 100 words

Students should wake up early in the morning and study according to their time. Children from poor families sometimes stay outside the home by taking loans for studies. A small room becomes their home. You must have often seen children who were forced to stay away from home due to studies, while studying away from home. In such a situation, this question must have come in your mind sometime or the other that why these children stay away from their homes and come to study in an unknown city. So it simply means that they do so much hard penance for their better future. So that along with them the economic condition of their family and parents also improves and those people can also live their life like other people. Most of those who leave their homes are students from poor homes, who work hard and study at the same time.

essay on student life in 200 words

The student has to go through most of the difficulties for a better future. Sometimes they get scolded from home for low marks and sometimes they are made to stand outside the class in school. There is always a competition among children to get marks and score good marks. They think that if I don’t get good marks, my future will be shrouded in darkness. This is the reason why the child joins big coaching classes to study everyday. If the numbers of a child are less, then parents should talk to their children and encourage them even if the numbers are not good so that they can bring good numbers further. To study in big institutions, children leave hungry in the morning so that no subject or topic is left out of them. In order to be successful in their life, they don’t know how far they walk in the scorching sun to study and then come from there like this. Parents should understand their children and never put the burden on them to get good marks in the examination. Because the children themselves want to get good marks by working hard. In such a situation, if someone gets angry on them regarding their marks in the exam, then they will become depressed and may even think of taking wrong steps.

10 lines on student life

  1. The student should always obey his Guru, respect the elders and love the younger ones.
  2. Apart from bookish knowledge, students should also learn about things related to their surroundings.
  3. Make a student participate in sports, singing, dancing or choosing any one subject according to his interest.
  4. The student should focus on studies as much as possible so that he can get good marks in the paper.
  5. A student is expected to be of a calm nature.
  6. A good student should accept education from wherever he gets it.
  7. Students should be taught from the beginning that they should always be ready to help everyone.
  8. The student should always be alert so that he does not miss anything.
  9. Students should always be at the forefront in every work.
  10. Student should never use foul language.

poem on student life

Broke the silence, the student also opened his mouth.
“I was badly trapped in that crowd.
Lakh sprinkled, hands but did not weigh
even once the body was sunken
In the sensitive swamp. was stung in front of
One person was the snake of the crowd, the body was open
teeth were visible, as if the corpse had laughed
Nikhil Parigraha on the collection, was dissolved in the air
Fear of death, dear life was constrained
At the hands of cruel time, cries were lost
The blood on the head was not washed away by tears,
They left in the matter of suppressed talk.
The wife was crying somewhere, the husband was upset somewhere,
Son used to be left behind somewhere, destruction was inevitable.

– Students in the crowd / Trilochan

In this essay, we have discussed the life of a student in detail. How is the life of a student, what should be the goal of student life, what is the aim of a student, why a student should get education, what is the importance of a student, what are the difficulties faced by a student in student life Has to be done, etc. have been tried to be included. In the essay, we have tried to explain well so that the reading class can easily understand. When students read an essay related to themselves, they should feel that it is not an essay but all aspects related to their life have been mentioned. While writing any essay, keep in mind that the essay should be served in front of the people in an attractive way so that they like the essay on seeing it and get anxious to read it. The purpose of writing anything is to impress the readers as much as possible and bring it into practice.

We hope that you must have liked our Essay in English and you must have got all the necessary information related to this essay. Thanks for reading this essay till the end.

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