Essay on Soil Pollution

Essay on Soil Pollution – The soil of our country is the most fertile as compared to other countries. The farmer of our country works hard and grows food grains, fruits, vegetables, flowers, etc. on this soil for us. The soldiers of our country are born on this soil and become martyrs on this soil while protecting the country. Despite this, our country is facing the problem of soil pollution. Even after various government and non-governmental organizations run awareness campaigns to prevent pollution and publicize the problem of pollution and its effects on people through different means of mass communication, the problem of pollution or soil pollution is a matter of concern. subject is.

Essay on Soil Pollution

Soil pollution has the biggest impact on our nature and it pollutes our environment. To get information about what is soil pollution, the causes of soil pollution, measures to prevent soil pollution, etc., you can read Essay on Soil Pollution through this page of ours. You can also use Essay on Soil Pollution in English in the Soil Pollution Essay competition organized in schools and colleges. We have tried to write Soil Pollution Essay in English in very simple, easy, and easy words. We hope that our essay on soil pollution in English will definitely prove useful for you. Read the soil pollution essay below and enhance your knowledge further.

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Soil Pollution Essay in English

soil pollution introduction

We call soil. There are six main different types of soil found in our country, which have their own importance and utility. All types of soil come out of rocks and mountains. Soil or soil is the most important subject related to geography and nature. We can learn more and more information about soil while studying soil science. Nature has given such powers to the soil, which have not yet been known. That’s why it is very important to protect the soil from pollution so that its fertile power is not harmed. First of all, we know what is Soil Pollution and what are its reasons.

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What is soil pollution?

We also call soil pollution or soil pollution land pollution. If we understand it in simple language, then when toxic chemicals, pollutants, and contaminants are found in the soil in large quantities, which pose a threat to humans, animals, trees, plants, rivers, etc., it is called soil pollution. Sometimes it is also seen that even when the level of a contaminant in the soil is low, even then soil pollution easily occurs. Soil pollution occurs when humans directly use harmful substances, chemicals, or objects in the soil, which harm and destroy living things.

due to soil pollution

There is no definite reason for soil pollution, but there are many different reasons for its occurrence. When some waste materials get accumulated on our land, they give rise to soil pollution. The causes of soil pollution or the sources of soil pollution are as follows-

  • Domestic Waste
  • industrial and mining waste
  • municipal waste
  • agricultural waste
  • Soil erosion/soil erosion
  • excessive use of fertilizers
  • excessive salt and water

Apart from these reasons, there are many other reasons that cause soil pollution, such as plastic items used in homes, hospitals, schools, and markets, fast cutting of trees and forests, and broken glasses thrown from homes. Plastic, furniture and polythene, chemicals coming out of industries and factories, etc. When it rains, some such contaminants get mixed in the ground, which causes land pollution.

Effects of Soil Pollution

Soil pollution badly affects humans as well as plants, animals and nature. Small children are most affected by soil pollution because they are more sensitive and tender. When children play or roam in the plains, they come in contact with more soil. That is why children are more at risk from soil pollution than adults. By the way, humans of all ages can be affected by soil pollution. Following are the different side effects caused by soil pollution-

effect on health

Soil pollution can make people sick. They fall into the grip of serious and fatal diseases. That’s why we have to protect ourselves from it.

Effect on the growth of trees and plants-

Soil pollution also affects the balance of nature. Due to soil pollution, many types of bacteria get mixed in the soil, which destroys the fertile power of the soil.

Decrease in soil fertility-

Toxic chemicals found in the soil can slow down the fertility or productivity of the soil, which can also lead to a complete loss of soil yield. If a farmer uses polluted and degraded soil to cultivate, his crop may contain fewer nutrients and contain toxic substances.

toxic dust

When the dust blows, toxic and smelly gases also spread in the air it, which has a bad effect on the health of all of us. Such a smell hinders the convenience of people.

change in soil structure

When organisms found in the soil die off in the same soil, changes in soil structure can occur.

Measures to prevent soil pollution

In the modern era, the problem of soil pollution is increasing day by day and it is gradually taking a terrible form. If this time is not taken care of today, then it will take a more formidable form in the coming tomorrow and then it will be impossible to get rid of it. If we start making small changes in our daily life, then it is expected that the problem of soil pollution will end soon. To control soil pollution, we can take some measures at our own level, such as-

  1. Stop throwing garbage here and there.
  2. Do not throw factory waste in the soil.
  3. Plant more and more trees.
  4. Use limited chemicals.
  5. Use biodegradable products instead of non-biodegradable products.
  6. Avoid using poly bags.
  7. Do not use plastic utensils and other plastic items.
  8. Use paper or cloth bags. 
  9. Do not waste paper but limit its use.
  10. Spread awareness about these ideas.


If determined, then it is not impossible to achieve any goal. The biggest goal before us today is to win over the problem of pollution. Today we have many suggestions and ways to reduce pollution or other types of pollution like soil pollution. All that is needed is the right effort at the right time and a strong will. Then no goal is far away.

Frequently asked questions related to soil pollution – FAQs

People also ask

Question- What is soil pollution?

Answer- When toxic chemicals mix in the soil, which are dangerous for all of us, it is called soil pollution. Soil pollution has the greatest impact on the yield potential of the soil.

Question- Soil pollution result?

Answer- Soil pollution leaves bad and serious consequences on the health of crops, plants, humans, animals, etc.

Question- Remedies for soil pollution?

Answer- Small changes like not throwing garbage here and there, minimum use of pesticides, and proper disposal of non-organic waste are the only ways to prevent soil pollution.

Question- What is soil pollution, explain the sources of soil pollution.

Answer- When contaminant substances are added to the soil, it is called soil pollution. Domestic waste, agricultural waste, etc. are the sources of soil pollution. 

Question- What are the causes of soil pollution?

Answer- Soil pollution is mainly from anthropogenic sources, such as domestic waste, livestock, municipal waste, agricultural chemicals, petroleum, etc.

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