Essay On Samay Ka Sadupyog In English

Essay On Samay Ka Sadupyog In English – Have you ever thought or questioned yourself that how did you spend your whole day today or what did you do or what did you learn in that whole day? Even if your answer is yes and if no, then you must know how to make good use of time? Instead of wasting time unnecessarily, it is better to make good use of your time in such a way that you and your intelligence develop, your family develops, your society develops, your nation develops. Are.

Essay On Samay Ka Sadupyog In English

Using time properly is not a very difficult task, you just have to increase your thinking ability a little more. History is also a witness to the fact that people who have wasted their precious time, then time has also left those people after wasting them. That’s why you must read our essay on good use of time, so that you can know how to use time properly? This is our easy essay on the good use of time. While reading Essay On Samay Ka Sadupyog In English, you will know that what is the importance of time in the life of a capable and successful person? Read Essay On Samay Ka Sadupyog from below.

We all are aware of this fact that once gone time never comes back. That’s why we all should know how to make good use of time in our life. For this it is important that you read Samay Ka Sadupyog essay. You can read Samay Ka Sadupyog Essay In English on this page from our page in simple, easy and easy language. Along with Samay Ka Sadupyog essay In Hindi, you can also read Samay Ka Sadupyog, a poem on good use of time. This Samay Ka Sadupyog In English Essay of ours should be read not only by adults but also by students and participate in Samay Ka Sadupyog Essay Competition held in schools and colleges.

(Samay Ka Sadupyog Essay In English)


The creator of this world has definitely done justice to all of us and that is by giving equal time to all. Whether it is a rich person or a poor person, everyone has the same time, twenty four hours. The 24 hours that I have, you have the same 24 hours and people like Sachin Tendulkar, Lata Mangeshkar, Amitabh Bachchan had the same 24 hours, in which they have reached this stage today by working hard and using their time properly. If you also want to become something in your life, then first of all set your goal and work accordingly using the time.

How to make Samay Ka Sadupyog?

We all are using time in our lives in one way or the other, but the question arises whether we are using our time in the form of good use? If not, then how do we make good use of our time? First of all, we have to understand that we have to use our every single moment properly. We should not let any of our moments go empty. Only that person achieves success in life, who has used his time properly and has done all his work according to time.

If we misuse our time or waste time, then we can never be happy in our life and can never be successful in life. We should take the biggest lesson of proper use of time from nature. Every work of nature is done on time, like day and night happen on time and weather changes according to its time. Below we have given some points, by reading which you can know how to make good use of time?

  • Wake up early in the morning- First of all, make it a rule to wake up early in your life because the one who sleeps late has never achieved anything. Exercise daily and take a bath and have breakfast on time.
  • Give up laziness- A lazy person can never do anything in his life. That’s why leave laziness and concentrate on work.
  • Set a goal- Set a goal to become something in your life and work on it everyday to achieve your goal.
  • Don’t sit idle – There is a saying that ‘an empty mind is the house of the devil’. That’s why don’t sit idle, try to do some work.
  • Read books- Inculcate the habit of reading more and more books because the more you study, the more you will know your ignorance.
  • Learn something new- If you get bored of one work quickly, try to learn something new by moving away from it because the learned never goes in vain.

benefits of Samay Ka Sadupyog

We all should use every moment of our time in the right direction because only those people who use time properly are successful in their life. Time is that cycle of life, which brings us many opportunities of success, we just need to recognize it. By using time properly, we can change our circumstances. If we just make good use of time, then we too can become rich, strong and scholar in our life. By making good use of time, we get ultimate happiness, glory and joy. Our physical and mental progress develops only by making good use of time.

Before making good use of time, we have to set the goal of our life and learn to manage time. Realizing the importance of our work, we have to move towards another work only after finishing that work in a given time. The person who wastes his time is called the biggest fool of the world. If we do not make good use of time or do not walk with time, then time will overtake us and we will remain where we are. The person who is lazy can never keep up with the times and wastes his whole life. If we are already aware and aware of time in our youth, then we will not have to regret or repent in old age. History is witness to the fact that the person who does not move with time has only failure in his hands.

If we really want to make it big in our life or want to be successful, then we have to learn to value time. If we do not respect time, then time will never respect us. Our first duty is to make good use of the time we have got in life. The country whose people make good use of time and understand the importance of time in life, then no one can stop the development and progress of that country from reaching heights. God has done justice to everyone by giving equal time to all of us but now it is up to us whether we do justice or injustice with time. We should always keep one thing in mind that every moment of life is precious and precious, which is passing by at a fast pace. If we recognize the time in time and keep moving forward on the path of success, then there can be no greater benefit in life than the proper use of time.

importance of time in life

It is very important for all of us to understand the importance of time in life. If we don’t understand the importance of time, keep talking, roaming around, don’t do things on time, then we will be left behind in the race of life. Such of our companions who understand the importance of time in life and make good use of time, they will go ahead of us and when time slips out of our hands like dry sand, we will keep on wringing our hands. We should teach our children to complete every task on time by telling them the importance of time since childhood, like sending them to school on time in the morning and completing their class work on time. Students should not lose even a minute of their time, but should complete all their work and other activities by planning time.

Time is many times more powerful than money. If time can lift a man high, it can also bring him down in a jiffy. We can neither create time nor stop it, but knowing the importance of time, we can definitely change our time by using it properly. The person who is punctual, always walks on the path of progress. All our hopes and desires depend on time. Nothing is permanent in this world except change, which is the rule of the world. Time is the most powerful thing. Although ‘time’ is such a small word, but it has contained the whole universe within itself.

Time is that precious nectar in our life, by which we can make our life a ride and can also spoil it. None of us can escape the cycle of time. All the great men and successful people who are counted in the world have always used their time in a wonderful way. For this reason, today people all over the world recognize him and consider him as his inspiration. Now it is up to us whether we want to be like him by taking inspiration from him or want to waste our life by wasting time.


Swami Vivekananda has said that “Arise, awake and do not stop until the goal is achieved.” Living and dying is a game of time, but the person who has understood this game of time, no one can stop him from getting settled. We should not compare anything in the world with time and should try to keep moving forward in our life by making proper use of time.

Essay on Samay Ka Sadupyog 100 words

Time is such a vehicle whose wheel is always moving but no one knows where its brake is. The time that passes once never comes back again. Learning to use time properly is the key to progress in our life. If we want to make good use of time, then we have to set a time to do all our work. If we do all our work on time, then our life will be spent happily and we will never have to repent in front of anyone.

Time is just like dry sand, once it starts slipping out of hand, it keeps on slipping. It is very difficult to catch the slipping time, after which nothing is left in our control. Tulsidas ji says that ‘ka varsha jab krishi sukhani’ means that if the agriculture has dried up, then there is no importance of rain after that, because agriculture has already become useless. Similarly, after the passage of time, if we realize that now we cannot do anything, then it is of no use. That’s why always make proper use of your time in life.

Essay on Samay Ka Sadupyog 200 words

We all know that time is the key to success, but the success of our life depends more on how we are using our time. Time is continuously running at its own pace without waiting for anyone. Be it a king or a beggar, time never waited for anyone. We should always make good use of time, become a punctual person and do all our work according to time. Wasting time is like wasting life. Kabirdas ji says that “Kal karai so aaj kar, aaj karai so ab pal mein parlai hoyegi, bauri karega kab.” That means we should not postpone any of our work till tomorrow. Rather, try to complete it today itself.

If we keep postponing any of our work that we will do it tomorrow or not today, then by doing so that little work will increase a lot and a time will come when that work will never be completed again. That’s why always make good use of time because proper use of time is more important than getting any valuable money. We should inculcate the habit of making good use of time along with taking care of our senses. We should do our daily activities, such as getting up on time, exercising, bathing, having breakfast, going to school, working, reading, playing, sleeping, etc., according to the regular time. The person who uses his time properly, success always kisses the feet of that person.

Essay on Samay Ka Sadupyog 300 words

Success in life depends on hard work as well as on the proper use of time. The secret of success is hidden in the proper use of time. Poor-rich, farmer-laborer, king-subject, scholar-fool, etc. every person has got equal rights on time. Good use of time makes even an ordinary person great and misuse of time makes even a great person ordinary. The only secret of the success of all the great men who have been or whom we see in the world has been the proper use of time. No matter what the time was, whatever the circumstances, but he never gave up and used the time properly. Such people also turned their bad times into good times.

There is a very old saying that “time never waits for anyone”. Which simply means that our every success, hope and desire is dependent on time. That is why it is very important for all of us to make good use of time. Abandoning laziness and completing any work at the same time is called good use of time. There are many people who leave today’s work or someone else’s work for tomorrow. The work of such people is neither completed nor is it ever successful. Then they keep repenting for the rest of their life. But repenting later is of no use as long as the time has passed. A wise and intelligent person makes the right use of his every moment. He never wastes time.

Wise people do not let even their leisure time go to waste. He goes on contemplating and observing. The ignorant wastes his time in sleeping or in other things. They never understand the value of time and never take life seriously. But the person who respects time, his society also respects him. Tulsidas ji says that, “Time does not pass by. That is, the speed of time is very fast, so every intelligent person should properly evaluate his time and use it properly.

10 lines on Samay Ka Sadupyog

  1. Time once gone never comes back.
  2. We all should make good use of time.
  3. Be it a rich person or a poor person, everyone has the same time.
  4. Use every moment you have. Don’t let any of your moments go empty.
  5. We should take the biggest lesson of proper use of time from nature.
  6. Time brings many opportunities of success in our life. The circumstances of a person change with the proper use of time.
  7. Every person who makes good use of time gets ultimate happiness, glory and joy.
  8. To make good use of time, we have to set our goals.
  9. There is nothing in the world that can be compared to precious time.
  10. The greatest folly is to waste time.

poem on Samay Ka Sadupyog

Poem 1

i think everyone’s time is valuable

everyone had their own importance

And all had good prospects.

Buildings are built even with a little sand

And all the water in the ocean is actually just drops.

these paving stones

i never rejected

because they don’t understand

bumped into

and those big stately palaces

even in its crumbling form

challenging modernity

And their historical form is still alive today.

I Think / Naresh Agarwal

Poem 2

if hard work done from the heart

Flowers also bloom in the desert,

when the wheel of time runs

You get the fruit of doing.

you are sitting here in vain

no time to lose

target yourself

have to move forward,

Never stop on the way

success is achieved

when the wheel of time runs

You get the fruit of doing.

going on in life

ebb and flow

what makes is great

The one who did not give up on them,

forever after dark

sun rises in the morning

when the wheel of time runs

You get the fruit of doing.

stop worrying about the future

focus on today

success for his sake

acquire knowledge first,

keep trying

One day even the mountain shakes

when the wheel of time runs

You get the fruit of doing.

if hard work done from the heart

Flowers also bloom in the desert,

when the wheel of time runs

You get the fruit of doing.


Question 1- How to make good use of time?

Answer: You should do only one thing at a time. One should try to learn something new without sitting idle.

Question 2- What can we achieve by using time properly?

Answer: By using time properly, we can get happiness and peace in our life.

Question 3- How to make good use of time in student life?

Answer: Students should complete all their work on time and use the remaining time for doing other things and learning. Students should not waste even a single moment of their time.

Question 4- What is the biggest loss from misuse of time?

Answer: The biggest loss from misuse of time is that that time will never come back again. If there is loss of some other thing, it can be compensated but not the loss of time.

Question 5- How does life become successful by making good use of time?

Answer: If we complete any of our work on time, then that work will be done well and it will also be successful. By completing every task on time and controlling it, life becomes successful.

Question 6- Why should time be respected?

Answer: By respecting and using time properly, we are able to find time for all those things, which were not possible for us to do earlier. If we respect time, the world will also respect us.

Question 7- Why should not waste time?

Answer: By wasting time, we harm ourselves because no matter how hardworking a person is, but by not working on time, his hard work goes in vain.

Question 8- What do we do when the task is not completed and the time is up?

Answer: When the work is not completed and the time passes, we are left with nothing but regrets. We keep rubbing hands. We can’t do anything after the time is up.

Question 9- What is meant by time planning?

Answer: To complete any of your work on time and correctly is called time planning. The person who does his work with time planning, all his work gets done easily.

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