Essay On Rainy Season In English

Every year we all eagerly wait for the rainy season. There would hardly be anyone who does not like the rainy season. Be it kids or adults, everyone knows how to welcome, enjoy and love the rainy season. Some like to travel in the rainy season, while some like to get wet in the rain. The beauty of greenery on trees and plants also increases in the rainy season. Not only humans but animals and birds also get happy with the arrival of the rainy season.

If you want to know about the rainy season then has brought you an essay on the rainy season. From this post you can read Rainy Season In English. You can know when the rainy season comes and what is the importance of rainy season by reading the Essay on Rainy Season in English given on this page. We have written Rainy Season Essay in very simple, easy, and clear language so that people of all classes can easily understand this Rainy Season In English.

Children are often given to writing Essay About Rainy Season In English in essay competition in schools, in which they write Rainy Season Essay. You can get information about rainy season by reading Essay On Rainy Season In English given on this page and you can show yourself by writing a better Essay In English On Rainy Season. From this page you can read Essay In English On Rainy Season as well as 10 lines on rainy season. See below to read English Essay On Rainy Season.


Rainy season is considered a very important season in India. When the rainy season arrives, there is an atmosphere of happiness everywhere. On the arrival of the rainy season, a different enthusiasm is seen in the children. Rain is very important for the environment. Rain is very important not only for us but also for the earth. Rain in India is a boon for the farmers as the sowing and irrigation of their crops depend on rain. If these rains come late, there is a possibility of their crop getting damaged. Everyone must have seen the beautiful scene of children playing with paper boats in rainwater.

arrival of rainy season

The arrival of the rainy season starts from the month of Shravan and lasts till the month of Bhado. In the English language, it is called the month from July to September. You will see greenery all around in the rainy season. The rainy season is also called monsoon. It rains the most in this season. You will see water everywhere. Lush green leaves on trees, trees laden with mango fruits, chirping of birds sitting on it, this mesmerizing sight gives you the message of arrival of rainy season.

Importance of rainy season

Rainy season is such a season that attracts everyone towards itself. Be it humans, trees and plants or animals and birds. Seeing the waving paddy in the village fields, it is hardly easy for anyone to describe in words the charming presentation of the rainy season that arises in our mind. Apart from paddy, other crops are also produced in this season. Due to this farmers get more profit.

More increase in production – If the rainy season arrives at the right time, it is very beneficial for the farmers’ fields, which is explained in the following ways.

  • There is no need to depend on any other means for irrigation.
  • Production of more than one crop in the rainy season.
  • Saving money on irrigation.
  • Rain water works to strengthen the paddy plants.

Relief to small animals– In the month of June, there is severe heat due to which small animals and animals get disturbed. When it rains in the month of July, they get relief.

purpose of rainy season

The purpose of the rainy season is to run the cycle of life and give it a new form. The rainy season lasts for 3 to 4 months and then goes away. In the rainy season, cool winds blow, new leaves start coming out on the trees, small sheets of new grass are spread on the ground. When the first drop of rain falls on the earth, the fragrance emanating from the earth will mesmerize you. The arrival of festivals in the rainy season and the enthusiasm of the farmers to do farming with a different enthusiasm can be seen. Rain gives us relief from the heat.

benefits of rainy season

Rain is very beneficial for us and the farmers of our country. Following are the benefits of rainy season –

time to collect water –

Rainy season is the only season where we can be able to store rain water. That’s why we need to store water in ponds, canals, wells, pits, etc. and later use it for things like irrigation of fields, watering trees, etc.

Rainy season is a golden opportunity to spend less water –

In the rainy season, we can use the least amount of water because due to the rain, the trees and plants get water on their own. So we don’t need to give them water. In this way you can also save water.

Minimum use of fans, coolers and ACs –

In the rainy season, we can use fan, cooler and AC at least because the weather is cold in the rainy season.

Damage or problem from rainy season

Chance of flood-

Due to incessant heavy rains, people have faced flood, tsunami like situation.

Crop damage due to rain-

Due to the heavy rains, there is a lot of damage to the crops of the farmers, due to which their hard work throughout the year gets spoiled.

Decline in grain production due to crop failure-

Due to heavy rains, the grains of the farmers get spoiled, then even the cost put by them in the fields is not recovered, due to which the people of the farming class have to face a lot of disappointment. And the crop is sold at a low price in the market.

Fear of spreading infectious/virus-

Water fills everywhere in the rainy season, due to which there is a fear of spreading virus among children and elders, such as cold, cough, fever, allergies etc.

Effect of rain on nature-

Trees and plants fall due to heavy rains, due to which nature is also harmed.

death of people-

Sudden falling of trees on moving roads due to heavy rains can see an increase in the death toll in road accidents, which is mainly due to rain.

Things to avoid in rainy season

  • Stay at home during the rainy season.
  • Keep the house clean to avoid virus.
  • Avoid outside food items.
  • Use clean water.
  • In the rainy season, you should consume wheat, curd, figs, dates and buttermilk.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap in the rainy season.
  • Do not throw the garbage coming out of the house in the rivers and drains.
  • By taking some minor precautions, we all can prevent a terrible disease like cholera.
  • You have to take care that you do not drink dirty water.
  • If you feel a disease like diarrhea, you should immediately consume life-saving solution.
  • Life saving solution works to fulfill the lack of water in your body.
  • You must bring a packet of this solution to your homes during the rainy season.
  • You should never bottle feed small children in the rainy season.
  • If a small child starts having diarrheic, give him breast milk immediately or take him to the doctor.
  • In the rainy season, there is a danger of many diseases arising in animals. That’s why small children should be fed milk related to animals only after checking it.
  • Consume more and more green and colorful vegetables in the rainy season.
  • Avoid eating non-vegetarian things during rainy season as it is their breeding season.
  • Rainy season is a pleasant season, so you need to be more careful about your health.
  • In this season you are at high risk of cholera, diarrhea.
  • In this season, infectious diseases spread to you, for which you need a slight change in the way of routine. In such a situation, you will be able to prevent diseases.
  • Whenever you drink water, drink it only after boiling it.
  • Do not keep cut fruits, vegetables etc. open at all.
  • Use only clean utensils.
  • Wash fruits thoroughly before eating them.
  • Wash and dry the vegetables before cooking them.
  • Do not use leftover food in the rainy season.
  • Avoid using leafy vegetables.

Apart from food, weather also affects our body. That’s why we need to use seasonal food and fruits, which are not harmful to our health. We should not drink too much cold water in the rainy season. Always be aware of your health and exercise regularly, this will boost your immunity. When it rains, you must use an umbrella or cap so that there is no harm to your hair due to rain water.


Rainy season is very important for the world. We can see it as a means of our livelihood. Just like a river has no value without water, similarly man and nature have no value without rain.

short essay on rainy season

Rainy season is the season showing the beauty of nature. The change of seasons in nature leads to the advent of the rainy season, only after which it rains. That’s why we need to protect nature and exploit it as little as possible. If we do not protect nature, then one day we will move towards destruction. There is a decrease in the amount of rain every year in the rainy season. The biggest reason for the change of rainy season is the felling of trees. People are continuously cutting trees indiscriminately, due to which the rainfall is decreasing.

The right time to plant trees is considered to be the rainy season. In this season, new trees are planted so that they can grow properly. The purpose of planting small trees is that they get plenty of rain water so that they become strong. Rainy season is also called the pleasant season because in this season people mostly go out for sightseeing. In this season, you will get to see only attractive things all around. Everyone gets a sigh of relief and peace in this season. In this season, you also see a rainbow of seven colors, which looks very beautiful and attractive. You must have seen white, brown and black clouds moving in the rainy season, which children are very happy to see.

Rainy season not only brings happiness with it but also brings a lot of difficulties. When it rains, the roads and potholes get filled with water due to which people have to face a lot of problems in commuting. Due to heavy rains in some areas, situations like floods and tsunami disasters arise.

Problems coming in rainy season-

  • People are not able to come out of the house in the rainy season.
  • Some people adapt themselves to the change of rainy season, while some people fall ill in this season.
  • The change of seasons has an effect on humans as well as on trees and plants.
  • Due to heavy rains, weak trees fall and break.
  • Trees suffer a lot due to the change of rainy season.
  • Due to heavy rains, the crops melt or get damaged.
  • In this season, many animals and insects start coming out, due to which the danger to the people increases.

The sky appears very clear, bright and pale blue in this season. The sky is very beautiful in the rainy season, this view fascinates you. Rain and humans have a deep relationship with each other. If there are no trees and plants, then the arrival of the rainy season will be very late.

10 lines on rainy season

  1. Rainy season is an important season in India.
  2. The rainy season arrives in the month of June.
  3. The rainy season is very important for the people of the farming class.
  4. Rainy season is the favorite season of children as well as adults.
  5. The rainy season brings enthusiasm and enthusiasm.
  6. Rainy season is considered the best season for paddy cultivation.
  7. Rainy season is the best source to collect water.
  8. You can enjoy a variety of fruits in the rainy season.
  9. The rainy season comes to bring relief to the people from the scorching heat of June.
  10. Rainy season is also known for greenery.

Some questions related to rainy season (FAQ’s)

People also ask

Question 1- What are the benefits of rainy season?

Answer 2: Due to rain, a good crop grows, due to which the farmers get good money in the market. Due to rain, fruits like Jamun ripen quickly.

Question 2- Describe the losses caused by the rainy season?

Answer 2: During the rainy season, people are at risk of spreading the virus and have to face disaster-like problems.

Question 3- Name the virus that spreads during the rainy season?

Answer 3: Cold, cough, cold, fever, allergy etc.

Question 4- Which crops are grown in the rainy season?

Hence, crops like paddy, maize, jowar, bajra, arhar, moong, urad, cotton, groundnut, soyabean etc. are grown in the rainy season.

Question 5- Why is the rainy season considered the best season to plant trees?

Answer 5: Trees are planted in the rainy season so that they can get rain water. Due to the rain water, the plants get strong and they grow easily.

Question- When does the rainy season come?

Answer 6: The rainy season starts in June or July and lasts till September.

Question 7- What is the importance of rainy season?

Answer 7: The rainy season serves to give us relief from the scorching heat.

Important things to keep in mind while writing essay on rainy season

  • Sentences should be short.
  • Avoid using difficult words.
  • People should not feel bored while reading the essay.
  • You can also use poetry in the rainy season.
  • Before writing an essay on rainy season, you should know in advance which points you are going to mention so that you can complete your essay quickly while writing.
  • Avoid using such words whose meanings you do not know.
  • Always write the essay with a heading. This will make your essay look more attractive.
  • You can also put pictures related to the rainy season in your essay.
  • Use creative writing as much as possible while writing essay on rainy season.

In the essay on rainy season, we have discussed many points in detail. You can get a lot of information by reading this, like what methods we can use in the rainy season to avoid infectious diseases. The purpose of writing an essay related to the rainy season is that more and more people should know about it. We hope that you must have liked our Essay in English and you must have got all the necessary information related to this essay. Thanks for reading this essay till the end.

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