Pollution Essay in English

Essay on Pollution in English- On hearing the word pollution, different kinds of questions start running through our mind and we get so worried that now there must be some solution to this problem. Will find out Our country has always been facing serious problems like natural calamities, global epidemics, pollution, etc. Pollution in cities has become a serious problem. Pollution has dominated the cities so much that now for the people living there, to escape from it means to come alive from the lion’s cage.

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Essay on pollution

From this page, you can learn about Essay on Pollution in English, the meaning of pollution, what is pollution, types of pollution, damages caused by pollution, prevention of pollution, etc. The main objective of our article “Essay on Pollution in English” is to reach the correct and all information related to pollution among our readers, so that you can take the issue like pollution seriously and become aware. Apart from this, students studying in school and college can also participate in essay competitions by taking help from our article on this pollution.

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You can also get an Essay on Pollution in English from our page, an Essay on Pollution in English in 250 words, an Essay on Pollution in English in 200 words, or an Essay on Pollution in English in 100 words. Apart from this, you can also read Essays on Environment Pollution, Essays on Air Pollution, Essays on Water Pollution, Essays on Noise Pollution, and Essays on Soil Pollution.

Essay In English


Pollution is not related to the loss or damage to any one thing related to nature but to the spoiling or wasting of all those natural resources that nature has given us with great beauty. It is true that as we behave with nature, we will get the same in return from nature. For example, we can remember the time of lockdown of the Corona period, how the beauty of nature was seen when all the man-made things (vehicles, factories, machines, etc.) were closed and the pollution level in India remained low for a few days. It had reduced considerably or rather, it had become almost zero.

One thing is as clear as water from this example that only and only human beings are responsible for natural incidents, calamities, epidemics, etc. happening from time to time. Whenever we talk about nature or natural resources, they include all those things which have been given to man as a boon by God or nature. These include air, water, trees and plants, animals and birds, rivers, forests, mountains, etc. As humans, it is our first duty to protect all these natural things and resources. Nature will protect us only when we protect it.

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meaning of pollution

In today’s time, the biggest harm that can harm nature is pollution. Pollution simply means contamination of air, water, and soil. Due to the contamination of these natural resources, we are neither breathing fresh air, drinking clean water, nor eating pure food, nor living in a peaceful environment, which we deserve. Greenery, lush green gardens, chirping of birds, clear and blue water of rivers, as if in the coming times, it should not remain just a dream. From humans to trees-plants, animals-birds, water, air, fire, etc. all the organic and inorganic components together make up our environment. All these things have a special contribution to environment building, but today all these things are suffering the most.

what is pollution?

To understand pollution, we must first know what is pollution. Understand it in simple words, when the undesirable elements mixed in the air, water, soil, etc. start making it dirty and contaminating and when it starts having an adverse effect on the health of natural things like humans, animals, birds, trees, and plants, etc. That is what we call pollution. Due to pollution, the risk of creating natural imbalance increases and it can also cause serious problems for human life.

In view of all this, it becomes our responsibility that the harm we have done to the environment by exploiting natural resources knowingly or unknowingly, now the problem of pollution should be gradually eliminated by improving it as soon as possible. We have to stop destroying trees and forests, but more than that we need to plant more and more trees. With such efforts, this problem of pollution can be controlled gradually. Similarly, there are many other measures, by which all of us together can make every possible effort to reduce pollution and start a new campaign. Now let’s talk about the causes, types, and preventions of pollution.

due to pollution

Many big reasons come in front of us pollution. These are the reasons which have given birth to a serious problem like pollution. Pollution has brought us closer to death by dissolving contaminated and poisonous elements like poison in nature and human life. Major causes of pollution include the following reasons, such as-

  1. rapid deforestation
  2. less plantation
  3. growing population
  4. increasing industrialization
  5. tampering with nature
  6. Factories, Vehicles, and Machines
  7. greater use of scientific resources
  8. increased use of pesticides
  9. rapid urbanization
  10. increasing consumption of natural resources

All these are the reasons which have given rise to pollution. Apart from these, there are many other big and small reasons which are beyond the control of the common man. One of the most serious reasons is the increasing population of the country. This is the reason why trees are being cut down rapidly, industrialization is being accelerated, the use of machines is continuously increasing, and villages are being gradually destroyed and converted into cities. , People are leaving their villages and going to cities for employment, and people are using natural resources and minerals in unlimited quantities due to which the level of pollution is increasing continuously. Trees and plants play the most important role in purifying the environment, but we humans are destroying them mercilessly in the greed of our needs.

types of pollution

Now let us talk about the types of pollution. Due to these types of pollution also the level of pollution has increased a lot in the last many years. There are many different types of pollution due to which the problems of pollution have increased and they are also responsible for the increase in pollution. Following are the types of pollution. As-

  • Air pollution – Air pollution is considered one of the most dangerous types of pollution because it directly dissolves in the air and affects the health of all of us. The main cause of air pollution is the smoke coming out of industries and vehicles. Due to the harmful and toxic fumes coming out of these, people have to face a lot of difficulty and trouble breathing. Due to the ever-increasing industries and vehicles, the amount of air pollution has increased significantly. Due to air pollution, people are facing many health problems related to the heart and lungs. The smoke that comes out from any kind of burning fire, that smoke also increases air pollution and harms all living beings.
  • Water pollution- The factories and homes where we work and the garbage that comes out from there, we throw it anywhere on the way, which sometimes flows in drains and gets mixed in rivers and other water sources. This is what we call water pollution. These rivers of ours, which were once considered pure, clean, and sacred, are now becoming polluted and have also become home to many diseases. There is not one but many reasons for this, such as the mixing of plastic material, chemical waste, and many other types of waste in the water. Once this waste gets mixed in water, then it cannot dissolve quickly, due to which water pollution occurs.
  • Soil or land pollution – The waste that does not dissolve in water after coming out of factories and houses and then it remains spread on the ground, only that increases the problem of soil pollution. However, efforts are made at various levels to reuse this waste. Due to land pollution, mosquitoes, flies, and other types of insects start to flourish, due to which different types of serious diseases start occurring in humans and other animals and they also die.
  • Noise pollution- Noise pollution is directly related to noise or loud sound. Noise pollution is caused by loud machines running in factories and other loud noise-making things. Apart from this, noise pollution is also high due to the vehicles running on the road, the sound of bursting crackers, and loudspeakers. Due to noise pollution, mental stress increases in humans, their hearing ability decreases and sometimes their hearing power goes away.

What is the harm caused by pollution?

Due to the increase in pollution, we are facing many different types of losses and damages, such as earthquakes, floods, storms, landslides, forest fires, droughts, epidemics, etc. These losses and damages are not only due to pollution but apart from pollution, the tampering that man is doing with nature is also fully responsible for this. Due to pollution, there has been a threat to the healthy life of human beings. People are not able to breathe the pure and open air. People have to eat impure food, and drink dirty water, due to which many types of serious diseases are reaching the human body and causing fatal consequences. Due to environmental pollution, neither is it raining on time nor is the cycle of winter and summer going on properly. Pollution is also the reason for increasing natural incidents. Along with humans, animals, animals, birds, plants, rivers, and rivers are affected by pollution. It is falling on the oceans etc. No one knows how long it will take to compensate for the serious damage caused by pollution.

ways to prevent pollution

At present every person is worried about only one thing how to avoid pollution. Or what are the measures to prevent pollution? Everyone has this question but the answer has not been found even today. Even if the answer is found, do we follow that which is helpful to reduce pollution and save nature? Pollution can be avoided only when we first bring change to ourselves. Without harming nature, we will use natural things according to our needs in such a way that they can be safe for future generations as well.

We have to keep this feeling within ourselves that whatever we have got from nature, we will surely give it back to nature in some form or the other. We can do this by planting more and more trees, keeping our surroundings clean, using limited resources, using machines less, using cloth bags instead of plastic, keeping rivers clean, and protecting animals. You can do it only by doing. In the same way, we will be able to protect nature and do justice to it both and save ourselves and other people from pollution.


After reading all the above things, we can say in conclusion that we need to make small efforts together to prevent the environment from getting polluted, only then a big change can be brought in the country. Every big change always starts in a small way. Both nature and God have created nature together with the hope that we humans will always protect it without doing anything wrong with it and maintain its purity, beauty, and innovation.

essay on pollution in English in 250 words

How does pollution happen?

All of us are told one thing in childhood we get oxygen from trees and plants. We live and breathe because of oxygen. But even after this, the cases of deforestation are increasing continuously and are responsible for increasing all kinds of pollution. By pollution we mean the contamination or deterioration of air, water and soil, which gives rise to pollution.

loss of pollution

Today, due to pollution, greenery, pure air, pure food, pure water, etc. all things are becoming impure. The biotic and abiotic components that make up our environment are the ones most at risk today. Nature is being harmed the most due to pollution. Air, water, and soil are getting dirty and contaminated by the undesirable elements dissolving in them. Along with nature and humans, animals, animals, birds, trees, plants, rivers, forests, mountains, etc. are also being harmed by these elements. Pollution is causing serious threats to human life. With the damage we have done to the environment, we have to eliminate pollution while rectifying it as soon as possible.

Causes and prevention of pollution

There are many different causes of pollution, including cutting of trees, growing industries, factories, machines, etc. The biggest reason for pollution is the rapid increase in population. Due to all these reasons, the level of pollution has increased significantly in the last several years. It is responsible for increasing all types of pollution of air, water, soil, noise, etc. Due to pollution, we are also facing natural calamities like earthquakes, floods, storms, etc. To reduce pollution, we have to plant more and more trees and keep our surroundings clean. With these small efforts only, we can make a significant contribution to reducing pollution.        

Essay on pollution in English in 200 words

What is pollution?

We all are concerned about the fact that pollution has become a serious problem in our country. The problem of pollution has increased more in big cities. Pollution has dominated the people living in cities to such an extent that now it has started spoiling their health as well. That is why in view of the increasing pollution in the cities, now it has become very important to spread awareness about pollution among the people there. Pollution is harming not only human beings but also all the natural things like trees, plants, animals, air, water, soil, food and drink, etc. It would not be wrong to hold pollution responsible for the natural events, disasters, epidemics, etc. that show their wrath from time to time.    

Effects and prevention of pollution

Nature and the environment are facing a lot of damage due to pollution. The adverse effect of pollution can be seen in all the natural things in the world. Imbalance is also being created in nature due to pollution. Many reasons together have given birth to pollution. The reason for continuous reduction of forests and trees is also the biggest reason for pollution. If we want the pollution to be less then we have to win over pollution by planting more and more trees. To reduce pollution, we have to protect our villages, prevent the loss of greenery there, and protect the pure air and water from contamination. With these small efforts, we will be able to fulfill our dream of eliminating pollution.       

Essay on pollution in English in 100 words

types of pollution

Pollution is the mixture of harmful and toxic elements in all the natural resources found on this earth. Pollution disturbs the natural life cycle as well as it also affects the normal life of all the species on this earth. We can divide pollution into many different types, such as noise pollution, air pollution, soil pollution, water pollution, etc. 

How to avoid pollution?

The air which we are breathing every moment, that air itself is now causing many disorders in our lungs. Similarly, due to the mixing of germs, viruses, harmful chemicals, etc. in drinking water, soil, and water pollution also occurs. To eliminate pollution, first of all, we have to find out the harmful effects of pollution and all the rules and measures implemented by the government have to be followed. Apart from this, to stop pollution, we have to use a minimum number of vehicles and plant a maximum number of trees and plants.  

Frequently asked questions related to pollution – FAQs

People also ask

Question- What are pollution and its types?

Answer- The air (air) gets polluted due to the gases coming out from vehicles and factories. Waste from human creations is released into the rivers, causing water pollution. Due to the non-separation of the residues created by the people, throwing the waste causes land pollution.

Question- What do you understand by pollution?

Answer- Pollution means when there is distortion or adulteration in the natural properties of an object, substance, and element, then that distortion or adulteration is called pollution. Air pollution arises from the fumes coming out of factories, the use of pesticides, chemical tests, and the rotting of garbage and dead bodies of animals and animals.

Question- What is the meaning of pollution?

Answer- Pollution harms the environment and animals. Pollution means- ‘Contamination of air, water, soil etc. with unwanted substances’, which has a direct adverse effect on living beings and other indirect effects by damage to the ecosystem.

Question- What are the measures to prevent pollution?

Answer- The environment can be saved by reducing air pollution by not smoking. Today the biggest reason for pollution is the increasing number of vehicles. In such a situation, to prevent air pollution, take proper care of your vehicles and get the pollution checked from time to time. By doing this you can contribute to environmental protection and conservation.

Question- How to write an essay on pollution?

Answer- Pollution creates a natural imbalance. At the same time, it is also a danger bell for human life. It is the responsibility of man to solve the problem of pollution as intelligently as he has harmed the environment by exploiting natural resources. Indiscriminate cutting of forests is also included in the factors of pollution.

Question- How to open Pollution Testing Center?

Answer- If you want to open a new pollution testing center, then first of all it is mandatory to obtain a No Objection Certificate from your nearest RTO office. You can open this testing center at any petrol pump automobile workshop without any hindrance.

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