Essay on Noise Pollution in English

Essay on Noise Pollution in English – Children reduce the noise! Turn down the TV volume! What a noise this machine is making! Cars on the road and the sound of their horns! etc etc. These are all the words that we keep speaking to each other while walking at the home, office, or on the road in our running life, but in reality, we probably forget to implement them somewhere or we don’t care. Imagine that you are locked in a room and someone has turned on the sound speaker very loudly in that room. The sound is so loud that it is beyond your tolerance. Whatever your mood or condition at that time, the same is the condition of our environment today due to noise pollution.

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Essay on Noise Pollution in English

The effect of noise pollution on our mental and physical condition is more than that it affects our environment. You can read Essay on Noise Pollution through this post to get information about what is noise pollution, the causes of noise pollution, measures to prevent noise pollution, etc. You can also use Essay on Noise Pollution in English in the Noise Pollution Essay competition held at different levels. We have tried to write the Noise Pollution Essay in English in very simple, easy, and easy words. We hope that you will definitely get all the necessary information from our essay on noise pollution in English. See below to read the noise pollution essay.

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Noise Pollution Essay in English


Every part of our body is important. We can see some organs and there are some organs which are inside our body, which we cannot see. All the parts of the human body play an important role at their respective levels. The ears are also part of the human body parts. Our ears are also included in our sense organs, which have both our ability and power to hear. It is absolutely true that whenever we do any work excessively or beyond our limits, it becomes a cause of trouble for us. We can associate the same thing with sound, noise, or noise. Any such device or machine which produces too much sound or noise will be harmful to all of us and will also affect our hearing ability.

Generally, it is seen that whenever we go to weddings, parties, festivals, religious programs, or any other function, the sound of loudspeakers there is so loud that we forget this thing in the midst of our entertainment and enthusiasm. That loud sound can even hurt someone. It is also seen that when some people are passing through the streets, they play songs in their vehicles and also turn up the volume. Some people keep on honking their horns continuously in their vehicles even when it is not necessary. The bad effect of such noise is read on the health of humans as well as dumb animals. We should always try to avoid making intentional noise or unnecessarily loud noises as much as possible. The most affected by noise are young children and the elderly.

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What is noise pollution?

Noise pollution is the situation when the level of sound or noise in our surroundings or environment is much higher than the normal level. Due to excessive noise in our environment, humans, animals and birds, etc. all get harmed. Loud noise also disturbs the balance of nature. The loud sound or sound of anything suppresses the rest of the other sounds and interferes with it. In today’s modern era, the danger of loud noise is increasing rapidly.

We can divide sound or sound into different forms, such as the sound made by humans while speaking or talking, different types of sounds made by animals and birds, the sound of flowing water, and the sound of a lion in the forest. The sound of roar, the sound of thunder, the sound of a storm, the sound of a volcano erupting, the sound of ocean waves hitting the shore, etc. Sounds are natural as well as man-made. Man-made sounds are more dangerous than natural sounds. The truth is that the noise created by humans is causing serious threats to the earth. The sound of light, sweet and melodious music is also sound, but if the same sound turns into noise, it becomes the cause of noise pollution.

definition of noise pollution

The sound or sound that hurts our ears, and has a bad effect on our minds, is called noise pollution. As television, sound speakers, means of transport, machines, etc. are increasing in the world, along with them the noise produced by them is also increasing, which is the biggest cause of noise pollution. Noise is a type of sound energy that is very difficult for any living being to tolerate. When any sound is excessive, it comes under the category of noise.

In the words of Maxwell- “Noise is sound that is undesirable. It is a major factor in atmospheric pollution.”

In the words of Simons- “No value or useless sound is noise pollution.”

due to noise pollution

We see not one but many different reasons for noise pollution, such as increasing urbanization and industrialization which have created many problems for us. Whether the industry is small or big, machines, compressors, generators, heat exhaust fans, mills, etc. are used to run that industry, which causes noise. Apart from this, when there is a celebration, such as a wedding, party, ceremony, etc., DJ is played loudly, which causes noise pollution. Loudspeakers are also installed at religious places like temples, mosques, gurudwaras, etc., and the sound emanating from them also causes noise pollution. Means of transport like bikes, car, buses, underground trains, etc. are increasing in the cities, due to which the noise in the cities is also increasing. When a house, shop, road, bridge, building, dam, station, etc. is constructed and big machines and machines are used in their construction, They also generate high levels of noise. Whether it is the Diwali festival or marriage in the house, the sound coming out of the firecrackers we use also becomes the cause of noise pollution. Household appliances used in everyday life are also becoming the main cause of noise pollution.

sources of noise pollution

There are two main sources of noise pollution- 1. Natural sources and 2. Human or artificial sources.

  1. Natural sources- When clouds thunder, lightning strikes, stormy winds blow, volcanic eruption, an earthquake occurs, waves crash on the beach or water falls into the river from springs, it is called a natural source of noise pollution. is added.
  2. Human source- When the noise generated by industrial institutions, means of transport, means of entertainment, electrical equipment, human activities, etc. is included in the human source of noise pollution.

effects of noise pollution

The side effects of noise pollution fall on humans, animals-birds, trees-plants, the environment, etc. The ill effects of noise pollution include-

  • Decrease in the ability and quality of human work.
  • reduce concentration.
  • Feeling tired.
  • seriously affecting pregnant women.
  • Young children and elders are most affected.
  • People fall prey to various diseases like high blood pressure and mental illness.
  • Disturbing the peace of mind
  • Being irritable is human nature.
  • To cause temporary or permanent deafness.
  • Damage to historical monuments, old buildings, bridges, buildings, etc.
  • Animals lose control of their mind and become ferocious.  
  • Affecting plants and crops.

measures to prevent noise pollution

If we want the problem of noise pollution to be completely eradicated from the earth, then we all have to follow the measures given below considering our responsibility. When we all together make small efforts, then only we will be able to remove the big problem like noise pollution or pollution. The following are the measures to prevent noise pollution-

  1. First of all, people have to be made aware of noise pollution.
  2. Peaceful propaganda has to be done from place to place.
  3. The width of the roads would have been increased so that there is no jam and less noise is generated.
  4. Greenery has to be increased.
  5. Industrial areas have to be kept away from populated areas.
  6. The use of pressure horns has to be stopped.
  7. Airports have to be kept away from populated areas.
  8. The entry of heavy vehicles in congested areas will have to be reduced.
  9. Loudspeakers will not be used in programs like weddings, festivals, festivals, fairs, parties, meeting places, etc.
  10. Trains and their tracks will have to be repaired from time to time so that noise pollution is reduced.
  11. Running of old vehicles will have to be banned.
  12. There will be a ban on playing loudspeakers and horns around public places.
  13. The noise coming out of the industries has to be reduced.
  14. Illegal industries have to be removed from the populated area.
  15. There should be a ban on playing loudspeakers at night.
  16. People have to be made aware to follow the traffic rules.
  17. There should be a ban on construction in populated areas during nighttime.
  18. Youth have to be encouraged not to use loudspeakers.
  19. Explosive firecrackers that make excessive noise will not be used.
  20. New laws will have to be made on noise pollution.


We all have equal rights on this earth or on natural resources. Then whether it is a human or an animal. Before our entertainment or profit, we should think that it should not have side effects on anyone or cause any kind of harm. Types of pollution Noise pollution can be eradicated from the root only with the cooperation and positive thinking of all of us and it can be conquered.

Frequently asked questions related to noise pollution – FAQs

People also ask

Question- What are the causes of noise pollution?

Answer- There are two main causes of noise pollution, natural sources, and human sources. The natural source includes thunder or lightning, the sound of heavy rain, the sound of volcanic eruption, etc. Human source causes noise pollution due to noise caused by increasing urbanization, means of transport, mining, etc.

Question- How does noise pollution happen?

Answer- When any type of sound turns into loud noise, then there is noise pollution, such as the use of loudspeakers or DJs at parties, which is the main cause of noise pollution.

Question- What is noise pollution, describe its effects.

Answer- Humans become irritable due to acoustic pollution. Apart from this, there are serious and harmful effects like high blood pressure, stress, hearing problems, and sleeplessness. Noise pollution can also cause a heart attacks in humans.

Question- How to control noise pollution?

Answer- To prevent noise pollution, we should set up industries away from cities. Loud honking of vehicles should be avoided. More and more trees should be planted in the cities.

Question- What is noise pollution, explain the causes of noise pollution.

Answer- When the sound is more than necessary and starts troubling the listener, then it is called noise. The noise of industries, loud shouting, the noise of vehicles, etc. are the main reasons for this.

Question- What is the meaning of noise pollution?

Answer- By noise pollution, we mean excessive noise which is useless. This noise disturbs humans and animals. Noise pollution also includes noise generated during traffic.

Question- What are the sources of noise pollution?

Answer- Fireworks are the main source of noise pollution in festivals, festivals, fairs, and cultural/marriage ceremonies. A loud sound is called noise.

Question- What is the harm caused by noise pollution?

Answer- Due to noise pollution people get neurotic mental disorders. Due to excessive noise, humans are also at risk of diseases like high blood pressure, excitement, heart disease, stretch in the pupils of the eye, mental stress, and ulcers.

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