Essay on Importance of Water in English

Importance of Water Essay in English – Life is impossible without water. You cannot imagine living without water. Humans can survive for some time without food. But it is impossible to survive without water. Today we have brought an essay on the importance of water for you. What are the benefits of water through essay on water? Why is it important to save water? How to use water? Benefits of drinking water What are the main sources of water? etc. will be able to know the answers to the questions. Let us discuss the importance of water in detail below.

Importance of Water Essay in English

We have written for you on this article in simple language on Importance Of Water. So that you can know about water in easy language. There is more than 75 percent water on the earth. But this water is not potable. Only 3 percent of the water on earth is drinkable. Today, apart from the city, water is drying up in the villages as well. If you talk about my village, 10 years ago, water used to go out at 50 feet. But today clean water is not available even at 80 feet. Today everyone should understand what is the importance of water. If we do not understand the importance of water, then water will end in the coming time and only we will be guilty of this.


“We cannot live without water”

Water is an invaluable part of our life, without it we cannot even imagine the world. Just like a river dries up without water, in the same way, without water, a person is deprived of his important means of livelihood. That’s why it will not be wrong to say that “everyone has water and we have water”, we can guess from here what will be the plight of man without water, that’s why we should use water at least and Take steps to save water. Along with this, how many types of water are there?, What is the importance of water and nature in human life?, etc., we will discuss in detail in further detail. Let us then see the essay of Importance Of Water In English below.

Importance of water and nature in human life

The fields and barns are lying dry without water ——— The earth and the courtyard are lying dry.

Man has had a deep connection with water and nature since the beginning. It rains only because of the natural beauty and this rain also serves to water the fields and barns of the farmer. That’s why it can be said that man has a precious relationship with water and nature, which only a farmer can understand because his crop is possible only because of water. In earlier times, people were completely dependent on rain water for irrigation. They did not have any other means of arrangement. As time changed and new technology developed, water and natural beauty also changed. But there has been no change in the relationship between water and man, their need is still the same as it used to be earlier, just need to preserve them.

benefits of drinking water

Water is very beneficial for our body, without water we cannot even think of being alive. Water gives us a new energy due to which our body is always ready to work at a very fast pace. Just like food is necessary for us, in the same way water is also necessary for us. Water is an important element of our body.


In the month of June, if you are suddenly thirsty while walking in the sun and you do not get water, then you will feel that how much our body needs water at that time and then we will be thinking in our mind that somewhere Get water to drink from. This is the reason why water is very essential as well as beneficial for our body.

Disadvantages of not drinking water

If we do not drink water, there will be a lack of water in our body, due to this our body will stop working, we will feel as if we have become very weak and we will not feel like doing any work, if one day we If we do not drink water, our throat will become dry. There will be a lack of water in our body. Due to this we can also get dizzy. Every person should drink at least 4 liters of water in a day.

Water is life

As we have discussed above that without water we have no existence, water is an invaluable part of our life, and that is why man is connected to water, and the world should save nature, water, etc. Otherwise, we have to be prepared to face its bad consequences. You must have seen the poster of Water is life on the streets, in the streets or you will see written in big letters on any wall through colorful pictures, water is life. This is written so that humans can be aware of water and do not waste them unnecessarily, that is, use them as much as they need.


If there is no water in your house one day, then you will be able to feel that without water all your work has stopped, at that time you will feel uncomfortable even if you do not have water to drink.

If this situation arises in the whole country, then we will find that a large part will be deprived of water.

type of water

We can divide water into three parts 1) Liquid 2) Solid 3) Vapor

But later they take the form of water after melting. That’s why it would be correct to say here that water is primarily water. From the scientific point of view, we have divided it into three parts and named them differently. Its basic form is water only.

source of water

Water can be collected in many places and water can also be taken from many places like wells, rivers, canals, ponds, reservoirs, pools, etc. We can collect rainwater and use it later. .

Rain – The year is the biggest source of water. Due to rain, water goes under our earth. Due to this we get water easily. Today big water sources are being made by collecting rainwater.

Well – Well is considered to be the best source of water, rainwater also gets collected here and it remains drinkable always.

Pond – Rain water is often collected in the pond so that it can be used for irrigation of the field or it is mostly used to grow flowers like lotus.

Water features in our life

Water has become an important part of our everyday life. From cleaning to cooking, from clothes to cleaning utensils, from bathing to car washing, etc., we are completely dependent on water today. This is the reason why we find ourselves surrounded by water from day to night.

We need water everywhere, whether at home or outside, and to fulfill this, new types of technology are being used so that we never feel the shortage of water and everywhere we get water in available quantity. Could

Keeping in view the need for water in our life, water connections have been arranged everywhere in the cities so that we can take advantage of the water system with proper means.

importance of clean water

Clean water has become an important issue for our country today. This is the reason that instead of taps, today everyone has started using filters or saws to drink in their homes. Clean water is very useful for us and clean water has become the first demand of today’s youth. In view of this, new types of products and techniques are being launched in the market, due to which the youth are being affected a lot. They feel that due to the development of these technologies, we will get clean water cheaply.


Use of Filters For Drinking Water

People believe that clean water is very useful for us and our body. This is the reason why the demand for filters and filters is increasing continuously, now people are afraid to drink tap and well water. Lest they get some kind of disease, they think that clean water can only be given to us by filters or aro. But it is wrong to say that the purity of water is important. If we talk earlier, we had wells and taps available in the form of clean water, but today there has been a change in their quality too, due to which questions are being raised about the purity of water.


It is very important for us to understand the importance of water. If we do not understand the importance of water, then crores of people will be deprived of water in the coming times. The potable water on the earth is decreasing rapidly. From today itself we have to start paying special attention to water. Only then we will be able to save water in the coming times. We should use the minimum amount of water throughout our whole day.

10 lines on the importance of water

  1. Water is life, without water life is impossible.
  2. Earth is 75 percent water, but only 3 percent is potable water.
  3. Water is not necessary for humans but for animals, birds, trees and plants.
  4. Without water we cannot do any work.
  5. Humans can survive for some time without food, but not without water.
  6. The biggest source of water is lake and rain.
  7. India’s Brahmaputra river has maximum water.
  8. Human body contains about 60 percent water. There is 85 percent water in the brain, 79 percent in the blood and about 80 percent in the lungs.
  9. There are three types of water:- liquid, solid (ice), and vapor in air (invisible).
  10. “If there is water then everyone is there and if there is water then we are”

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