Essay On Environmental Pollution In English

Essay on Environmental Pollution – The most precious and valuable thing on this earth is our environment. Both God and nature together have created our environment and nature in such a way that it is probably impossible for humans to estimate it. We, humans, may never be able to repay nature’s favor, but if we can return some part of what we have received from nature, then it will be our good fortune. By giving back, we mean protecting nature and the environment, which nature needs the most today.

Essay on environmental pollution

Through this article of ours, you can write Essay On Environmental Pollution in English, Introduction to Environmental Pollution, the Meaning of Environmental Pollution, What is Environmental Pollution, Causes of Environmental Pollution You can find types of environmental pollution, effects of environmental pollution, effects of environmental pollution on human life, problems and solutions of environmental pollution, pictures on environmental pollution, etc. With the help of an Essay on Environmental Pollution in English, you can also participate in the Environmental Pollution competition in schools and colleges and can give a good article on environmental pollution.

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Essay on environmental pollution Essay In English

environmental pollution introduction

Since the beginning of the world, due to the amazing balance of nature, life has remained on this earth, but in today’s modern era, due to technology, it is completely in danger. Air, water, and earth are all slowly getting polluted. Various efforts are also being made to reduce this increasing pollution and to stop it. We can divide this effort into four parts, such as understanding the whole cycle of nature, spreading awareness among people about pollution, maintaining the beauty of nature, and working in ways that make the earth’s environment clean, pure, and fresh. remain and there should be no adulteration of any kind in the environment.

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Meaning of environmental pollution

We will understand the meaning of environmental pollution, but at the same time, we will also know what is environment and how it affects us. First of all, understand the meaning of environmental pollution, in which the undesirable change in any of the components, which adversely affects our life, is called the environment. In this environment, the process of industry, city, and human development has an important contribution. We can see environmental pollution by dividing it into many different forms. If understood in simple words, the simple meaning of environmental pollution is the destruction of the environment. There are many reasons why our environment is getting polluted. The problem of environmental pollution is increasing day by day. The environment that we see is made up of natural and man-made things and some of these elements are polluting our environment which is a danger bell for the future.

What is environmental pollution?

After understanding the meaning of environmental pollution, now we will know what is environmental pollution. Or what is environmental pollution? Environmental pollution is the situation when contaminated material gets mixed into the environment due to the different activities done by us. It mainly hinders our routine process and due to this, a major change is seen in the environment. Those who work to spread pollution in the environment are called pollutants. These pollutants are substances that occur in nature and are also created by outdoor activities carried out by humans. These pollutants can also add up to energy depletion in the environment. We can divide it into many different types of pollution like air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, noise pollution, etc.

due to environmental pollution

Nature has given us many natural resources for survival, to maintain our health, and to make our development at a fast pace, free of cost. But with the passage of time, we are becoming so selfish and greedy that we are hell-bent on destroying our own environment by polluting it. Without realizing that if our environment becomes completely polluted, then it will seriously affect the health and future of us and our future generations in the coming times. Then a time will come when all of us will have no natural resources left to survive on the earth. That’s why we have to take the cause of environmental pollution seriously and remove these reasons as soon as possible. Following are some of the main causes of environmental pollution, such as-

  • Industrial activities will accelerate
  • heavy vehicle usage 
  • rapid industrialization and increase in urbanization 
  • overpopulation 
  • fossil fuel combustion 
  • agricultural waste 
  • Tomorrow’s factory 
  • more use of scientific instruments 
  • disturbance of natural balance 
  • indiscriminate felling of trees 
  • Lack of greenery in densely populated areas
  • exploitation of minerals
  • road construction 
  • dam construction 

types of environmental pollution

Air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, etc. are all types of environmental pollution. All these are having a negative impact on the environment. But there are three main types of environmental pollution, which are discussed below, such as-

Air pollution- Air is very important for the survival of humans, animals, plants, etc. Different types of gases are present in a certain amount in our atmosphere and all living beings maintain balance in oxygen and carbon dioxide through their activities and breaths, but now it is happening that humans are consuming all these under the guise of their physical needs. Engaged in destroying the balance of gases. If we compare city air with village air, we will see a vast difference. On the one hand, where the pure and fresh air of the village makes our bodies and mind happy, on the other hand, we start feeling suffocated in the toxic air of the city. The biggest reason behind this is the continuous increase in the number of such resources in the cities which give rise to pollution.

Water Pollution-  Water is life and water is one of the main components for the life of all of us. Without water, none of us living beings like humans, animals-birds, trees-plants, etc. can even imagine living. Mixing of inappropriate substances or elements in nature’s water reduces the purity of water, which we call water pollution. Due to water pollution, the risk of serious diseases increases and many types of bacteria and viruses start to flourish. Different types of minerals, elements, substances, and gases are found in water, whose quantity is considerable. If the quantity of all these becomes excessive, then it can prove to be very harmful to our health. On one hand, we have given the status of mother to the rivers and worship them, but on the other hand, we are destroying the purity of water by adding polluted elements to it and also insulting those rivers like a mother.

Noise pollution- Unnecessary and excessive sound which we call noise is called noise pollution. If a sound becomes a source of entertainment for us, then the same sound may be noise for another person. Too much noise causes noise pollution, due to which the hearing power of a person gradually decreases and if it is not taken care of, then the person can lose his hearing power completely. If any sound is heard in a limited quantity, then it will not have any side effect on our health, but if the same sound is excessively loud, then it becomes difficult to tolerate it. Noise pollution disturbs the concentration of a person and then he cannot do any of his work with full concentration.

effects of environmental pollution

Environmental pollution is slowly becoming a challenge in India. The physical and mental health of all of us is being harmed due to pollution. Ozone layers are being destroyed in the atmosphere due to air pollution. Water pollution is causing the death of aquatic life and acidity. The presence of soil pollution means such soil which is unhealthy or unbalanced and due to this there is difficulty in the growth of trees, plants, fields, crops, etc. Due to soil pollution, green land also becomes barren. Today India is facing not one but many challenges of environmental pollution and is facing them. It is very important to get its solution in time. If this does not happen, then it will be difficult to estimate the damage caused by the effects of environmental pollution.

Effects of environmental pollution on human life

Environmental pollution is affecting human life in many ways. It is needless to mention that environmental pollution has spread its toxic fibers inside the basic needs of human beings like water, food, air, and soil. It affects the way we live, drink and eat. It also harms the health of animals, birds, trees, and plants along with humans.

Different things pollute the air such as exhaust gas from motor vehicles and industries, burning fossil fuels inside the air, solid industrial waste, oil spills, plastic dumps, and city waste dumped into water pollutes rivers and oceans. Similarly, inorganic methods of agriculture destroy the fertility of the soil. As you know water is used for drinking, the soil is used for making food, and the air is used for breathing. If these three elements are contaminated, then they will put their pollutants inside the human body which will cause serious diseases.

Diseases caused by environmental pollution include chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, lung cancer, skin cancer, lead poisoning, cardiovascular disease, and stroke, radiation-enabled cancer, mercury poisoning, congenital disabilities, allergies, and lung diseases, which are due to occupational exposure. There are reasons. That’s why we have to understand how to avoid the problem of environmental pollution and how to find its solution.

environmental pollution problems and solutions

We all are seeing how the problem of environmental pollution is increasing day by day and only we humans are responsible for it. That’s why now it is our responsibility to find such a solution to this problem as soon as possible so that the problem of environmental pollution can be eradicated from the root itself. The problem of environmental pollution is increasing rapidly due to increasing miles, factories, motor vehicles, chemical fertilizers, carbon-monoxide gas emissions and smoke, sewage water, and indiscriminate deforestation. If it continues like this, then the time to come will bring sorrow and unrest for all of us.

If this problem continues to grow like this, it will affect not only one person but the whole country, and all of us will have to face such a serious problem, which we would never have thought of even in our dreams. This type of problem is very common in all the developed countries of the world. Today every person in India is suffering from a serious problem like pollution, but there are very few people who are trying to remove it. The side effects of environmental pollution prove to be very serious and harmful. Our social status also gets fragmented due to environmental pollution.

It is very important to maintain balance in all the natural gases present in the world, but today man is engaged in cutting trees and forests for his selfishness and need. You just think if there is only one tree left on the earth, will we be able to take oxygen? When we do not get oxygen, it is difficult for us to survive. Due to the lack of trees, the amount of carbon dioxide will increase, due to which the problem of global warming will increase. If we tamper with the natural resources, then they wreak havoc on the earth in the form of natural calamities. This destruction happens in the form of floods, storms, storm, volcanoes, etc. In the greed of industrial development, we have forgotten our dealings with nature, due to which we are facing environmental pollution, and natural calamities, We are facing problems like epidemics. If we really want to end the problem of environmental pollution forever, then we have to use the following solutions in our life.

  • To save nature and the environment from pollution, soon we have to control it. We have to pay more and more attention to afforestation. We have to at least try to cut trees. To reduce environmental pollution, the government will have to take concrete steps and those who go against it will have to be punished severely.
  • Not only the government, but politicians, actors, thinkers, social workers, and every citizen of India have to spread maximum awareness to remove environmental pollution. The help of mass media can be taken to spread awareness. Today’s modern era scientists will also have to make more efforts to eliminate pollution.
  • We all have to think that there will be no accumulation of garbage and filth around us. We have to learn to use products like coal and petroleum very less and choose alternatives that are pollution free. We have to make more use of solar energy, CNG, wind energy, biogas, cooking gas, and hydroelectricity. If we do this, it can be of great help in reducing air pollution and water pollution.
  • It is difficult to remove the factories that have already been built, but now the government should try to make the factories that are to be built in the future away from the city. We should use such means of transport which emit less smoke and which help in preventing air pollution. The government should completely ban the cutting of trees, plants, and forests.
  • We should avoid throwing garbage in the rivers. We should also try to make water drinkable with the help of recycling. If possible, stop using plastic bags and bags and use bags made of cloth and jute. To eliminate environmental pollution, become a conscious citizen and give your participate in this noble work by following the rules suggested by the government and the law.


History is witness to the fact that for the last many millions of years, pure air and clean flowing water is still present on the earth, but somewhere we are forgetting to appreciate it. Due to our misuse, today all the natural resources have come under the grip of pollution. Scientists who have dedicated their lives to protecting the environment are now explaining to us how to use natural resources to preserve their purity. He is making us humans aware that we should not do any such work which may disturb the balance of nature or pollute the environment. First of all, we have to stop our villages from getting polluted under any circumstances and also we have to take full care that the pollution of the cities does not pollute the environment of the villages.

Frequently asked questions related to environmental pollution – FAQs

People also ask

Question- What is environmental pollution essay?

Ans- Environmental pollution is defined as the contamination of the physical and biological components of the earth/atmosphere system. Normal environmental processes are adversely affected. Pollutants can be naturally occurring substances or energy but are considered contaminants when present in excess.

Question- What is the meaning of environmental pollution?

Answer – According to Odum, “The harmful effect on the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the environment or the biosphere is called pollution.” In other words, the undesirable change in the natural structure and balance of our environment can be called pollution.

Question- What are the effects of environmental pollution?

Ans- Greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere increase the temperature of the earth. Due to climate change, there is a drastic change in the weather. Harmful gases in the atmosphere cause irritation of the throat and eyes, asthma as well as other respiratory problems and diseases such as lung cancer.

Question- What is pollution, and tell its types?

Answer- Mainly there are 4 parts of environmental pollution, in which water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution, and noise pollution, these are of 4 types of pollution.

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