Essay On Environment In English

Essay On Environment In English – The smaller the word environment is in reading, writing, speaking or listening, the greater and deeper its meaning is. If we sit down to estimate the powers of the environment received from nature, then perhaps our whole life will be too short for this. Environment is such a subject about which the more it is read or written, the less it is. Humans, animals-birds, trees-plants etc. all things are alive only from the environment. It is impossible to imagine human life without environment. We are all connected with the environment and the environment with us in every way.

Essay On Environment In English

From the light of the morning till the darkness of the night, all the work on the earth is accomplished with the help of the environment, that is why it is the biggest mistake of man to consider nature or the environment as weak. If you want to know what is environment or what is the meaning of environment or what is environment called, how many types of environment are there, when environment day is celebrated, then you can read the essay on environment given on this page of Can read English (Environment Essay In English). In this article, apart from Essay on Environment, you can also read Essay on Forest and Environment, Essay on Our Environment, Essay on Environment Protection, Essay on Environment Protection Are.

We have made available Essay on Environment in English for you in very simple, easy and easy language. You can take help of our Environment Essay in English and participate in environment essay competition in school and college and can demonstrate your penmanship by writing a good environment essay in English and may even win first prize. To know about environment, about environmental protection and about World Environment Day, read Essay on Environment in English from below.

(Environment Essay In English


The cool air of the trees gives us relief in the hot summer, the compress of sunlight reduces the cold of our body, the clean water by drinking which we quench our thirst or the food produced in the field calms our hunger. Everything is a game of the environment. The way morning, afternoon, evening and night are according to the law of nature, in the same way the environment also has its own rules. Everything in the environment is done according to its rules. When this creation would have been created, then only the environment would have originated on the earth because without the environment it was not only difficult but impossible to make the world.

meaning of environment

Environment is derived from the combination of two words ‘pari’ (that which surrounds us) and ‘avaran’ (that which surrounds us), which literally means the covering around us i.e. atmosphere. The word Environment is derived from a French language word Environia which means around or around us. The environment or environment in which we all live refers to both the biotic environment (which are living) and the abiotic environment (which are not living) of that environment. Environment and living beings are two organized and complex components of nature. The environment works to control the life of all of us because most of the time we come in contact with the environment and spend our life living in the environment.

What is environment?

Environment is not the name of any one element, but it is made up of the sum of various elements. The elements or things that we see around us are our environment. Environment refers to material and force. Environment can be defined as the atmosphere or condition in which individuals, organisms or plants live and perform their functions. Environment plays a major role in the life cycle of human beings because we all are most dependent on the environment. Environment has the power to produce natural things and show beauty. Environment is the condition in which an organism is born, then its life process goes on and then there comes a time when it comes to an end. It affects the growth and development of the living organism.

In other words, the environment works to represent the environment that surrounds all living beings from all sides and affects their lives. Environment is made up of atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and biosphere. Soil, water, air, fire and sky are the main components of the environment, which we also call the five elements. Environment has provided natural resources to all of us to live a comfortable life and consume them as per the requirement. Environment is related to those things which are very close to an object and have a direct effect on it. Our environment refers to those things or means which are different from us in every way and influence our life.

What is environment?

Whatever things are around or around us, such as trees, plants, animals, rivers, ponds, air, soil and humans and whatever activities are done by them, we call them environment. Are. Different philosophers have defined environment in their own words, such as-

  • टाॅसले के अनुसार- ’’प्रभावकारी दशाओं का वह सम्पूर्ण योग जिसमें जीव रहते हैं, पर्यावरण कहलाता है।’’
  • फिटिंग के अनुसार- ’’जीवों के पारिस्थितिकी का योग पर्यावरण है अर्थात् जीवन की पारिस्थितिकी के समस्त तथ्य मिलकर पर्यावरण कहलाते हैं।’’
  • बोरिंग के अनुसार- ’’एक व्यक्ति के पर्यावरण में वह सब कुछ सम्मिलित किया जाता है जो उसके जन्म से मृत्यु पर्यंन्त प्रभावित करता है।’’
  • मैकाइवर के अनुसार- ’’पृथ्वी का धरातल और उसकी सारी प्राकृतिक दशाएँ- प्राकृतिक संसाधन, भूमि, जल, पर्वत, मैदान, खनिज पदार्थ, पौधे, पशु तथा सम्पूर्ण प्राकृतिक शक्तियाँ जो कि पृथ्वी पर विद्यमान होकर मानव जीवन को प्रभावित करती हैं, भौगोलिक पर्यावरण के अन्तर्गत आती हैं।’’
  • गिलबर्ट के अनुसार- ’’वातावरण उन समाग्रता का नाम है, जो किसी वस्तु को घेरे रहते है तथा उसे प्रत्यक्ष रूप से प्रभावित करती है।’’

How many types of environment are there?

There are mainly four types of environment, which are as follows-

  1. Natural Environment- It is that part of the environment which has been given to us by nature as a boon. The natural forces, processes and elements that affect human life are seen in association with the natural environment. These are the forces that give birth to various atmospheric things on the earth, in which both organic things and non-biotic things are present. In organic things, human beings, plants, animals, natural vegetation, etc. come, whereas in non-organic things, water, temperature, air, pond, river, ocean, mountain, lake, forest, desert, energy, soil, fire etc. are included.

  2. Man-made environment- This type of environment includes man-made things, such as industries, educational institutions, domiciles, factories, means of transport, forests, gardens, crematoriums, cemeteries, places of entertainment, cities, towns, farms. , artificial lakes, dams, buildings, roads, bridges, parks, space stations, etc. The environment created by humans by interacting with the physical environment with the help of science and technology on the strength of their education and knowledge is called man-made environment.

  3. Physical Environment- In this environment, nature has direct control over the things made of nature. It does not involve any kind of human intervention. Hydrosphere, lithosphere and atmosphere are studied in the physical environment. Apart from this, subjects like topography, water body, climate, soil, rock and minerals etc. are also studied in this.

  4. Biological Environment- Together with the help of human beings and animals, biological environment has been created. Man is a social animal because of which he remains connected with social, physical and economic activities. It includes all kinds of living systems. The relationship that exists between all these is called situational. It is also a process of maintaining balance in a way. Under this study of plants, animals, micro-organisms, humans etc. is included.

When is Environment Day celebrated and why?

Environment Day or World Environment Day is celebrated every year on 5th June. Trees and plants work to reduce the level of pollution in the environment and also make their full contribution in purifying the impure environment, but the development of industrialization is affecting the environment badly. As environmental pollution is increasing, because of that the risk of natural disasters is also increasing. In such a situation, it is most important to make people aware of the environment. With this objective, we celebrate 5th June every year as World Environment Day.

Celebrating Environment Day was first started in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. The world’s first environmental conference was also organized in this country, in which a total of 119 countries participated. In this conference, the foundation of the United Nations Environment Program was laid and a resolution was also taken to celebrate World Environment Day on 5 June every year. In 1972, due to the problem and concern of environmental pollution at the global level, the initiative to celebrate World Environment Day was taken by the United Nations. In our country, the former Prime Minister of India Indira Gandhi had expressed concerns towards nature and environment. The only purpose of celebrating World Environment Day is that all the people around the world should be aware of the concerns of environmental pollution and make others aware by telling the importance of nature and environment.


In future if we want to see the environment around us clean, beautiful and useful, then first of all we have to stop treating our environment like wild animals. We have to use all the things present in the environment not like hungry wolves but as human beings. When we support the environment, the environment will support us many times more than that. As much help we need for the natural environment, we have to do more to save nature.

Short Essay On Environment In English

If you want to read more essay on environment in English, then you can read short essay on environment i.e. essay on environment in 150 words and essay on environment in 300 words from below.

essay on environment 150 words

Almost all types of natural resources are found in our environment, which help us in different ways. These natural environments surround us from all sides. It provides us a better medium to move forward and develop. It provides us with everything that we most need for survival. Our environment also expects some help from us so that our life can be maintained and the environment is also never destroyed.

If we want to maintain life on this earth, then for that we must first preserve and protect the environment. For the past several years, we have been celebrating World Environment Day on 5th June to spread awareness among people about the environment, but in terms of environmental cleanliness and safety, our country is still far behind other countries. To know about the serious topic like environment, how we have to protect our environment and to know about the things that harm the environment, we all have different campaigns being run for the environment and save the environment. Be a part of the campaign.

essay on environment 300 words

essay on environment 300 words
Our environment plays the most important role for the healthy life of the living beings on the earth. Despite this, our environment is getting destroyed day by day due to man made technology and modernization of modern era. This is the reason that today we are facing the biggest problem like environmental pollution. Human life cannot be imagined without the environment. To keep our future alive, we must first protect the future of the environment. Its responsibility is not of any one person but of every person living on the earth. Every person must be a part of the campaign like environmental protection at their own level.

Environment affects various aspects of our daily life socially, physically, economically, emotionally and intellectually, but the problem of environmental pollution has given rise to various types of diseases in the environment, which today every person is facing in his life. Now it is not the problem of any community or city, but now it has become a worldwide problem. This problem will not be solved by the efforts of any one person. If it is not redressed completely, then a day will come when there will be no existence of life on the earth. That’s why every common citizen will have to join the environmental movement run by the government. We all have to rectify our mistake and make the environment free from pollution. It is a bit difficult to believe, but it is true that even the smallest positive step taken by every person definitely brings a big change one day.

We have to understand now that the time has come to stop exploiting natural resources and use them properly. We also have to take full care that along with developing science and technology to make life better, the environment should not be harmed in any way.

Environment FAQ’s

Question 1- What is the meaning of environment?

Answer 1: “Pari” which surrounds us, “Avarana” which surrounds us from all sides, i.e. environment literally means surrounded from all sides. Environment is a collective unit of all those physical, chemical and biological factors that affect any living organism or ecological population and determine their form, life and survival.

Question 2- What do you understand by environment?

Answer 2: Environment is a collective unit of all those physical, chemical and biological factors that affect any living organism or ecological population and determine their form, life and survival. Environment is that which is associated with every living being, it is always present around us.

Question 3- What is the importance of environment in human life?

Answer 3: Environment is very important in our life. Man cannot live without it even for a moment. Water, land, air, fire, sky is the life of a man from these five elements only and after the end of his life, he merges in these only. In ancient times man used to preserve the beautiful nature around him and the life of man was very simple and simple.

Question 4- How many types of environmental powers are there?

Answer 4: Environmental forces are mainly of two types. First external environmental forces and second internal environmental forces.

Question 5- What is the specialty of the environment?

Answer 5: Biodiversity and energy are the main elements of the environment. Change of place and time keeps on happening in the environment. While the dependence of its functional is on the communication of energy. Organic substances are generated inside the environment, whose functions are different at different places.

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