Essay On Discipline In English

Essay On Discipline In English – Discipline is very important for every person’s life. The person who maintains discipline in his life, that person achieves success in life. Talking about the meaning of discipline, it is made up of two words, Anu and rule, which means to be in control or to be in the rules towards any work. The relationship between student and discipline is very old. If students learn the importance of discipline in life, then they cross every stage easily. What is discipline, you must have understood by now. Read our article to know about the importance of discipline in life, types of discipline and benefits of discipline.

Through this article, you can read essay on discipline in easy language. You will get complete information about discipline by reading Discipline Essay in English. English essay on discipline has been written on this page in 1000 / 300 / 100 words. So let’s see the article on discipline below.


Discipline is made up of two words Anu and Rule which means to be in control or to be in rules towards any work. Discipline is very important to live a happy life and even more important is to maintain discipline and maintain it completely in life. It acts like an integral part of life. Discipline is the key to get success.

importance of discipline

Discipline is important not in any one work but in every part of life. Discipline works to show a new direction to our wandering life. Discipline is the first way to a successful life because discipline is mainly helpful in moving towards progress. Time does not listen to anyone, it is very important to complete every work on time. This is impossible without discipline. Keeping time in your hands is possible only with discipline. If we inculcate discipline in our life from childhood or from student time itself, then our life is no less than a heaven. Our earth is moving consciously, because of what? Discipline has an important role in this; Sun rising and setting on time, weather changes, growing and harvesting crops on time. If we want to see the development of the nation also taking place consciously, then it is necessary to follow the discipline and make all the changes in time.

Benefits and need of discipline

Benefits of Discipline:- If we adopt discipline in our life, then it will not only bring change in our life but because of our increasing growth, we will get respect everywhere. Will be respected by everyone. If there is any work that we need to do today itself, whose delay for a moment can spoil everything, then only discipline will benefit us the most. Discipline is needed in school, army, work related to government, in every process of life.

What is the importance of discipline in our life?

Discipline is necessary in every work related to our life. There is no value in living life without adopting discipline. If we do any work, unless we fix a time in it, we will not be disciplined towards the rules related to it, then that work will never be completed on time, it will continue to be done today or tomorrow. . This shakes the economy of life. Discipline is very important in life to maintain maturity in every work. Without discipline our life is unsuccessful. Adopting discipline is very difficult for us in the beginning, because we are not aware of any work at once, but if we adopt it completely, then its result will be most beneficial for us.

What is the importance of discipline in the life of a student?

Discipline in student’s life :- Discipline in student life is helpful to the student in many ways. If the student takes discipline into his life from the very beginning, then nothing can stop him from achieving success at every step. By this he will save not only himself but also his family, his nation. Discipline is useful for a student in his studies, sports, career in everything. It is necessary for the student to maintain discipline in his entire routine, whether it is work related to school or home. It is considered very important for him to wake up on time, take bath daily, eat food on time, go to school in discipline, follow all the rules, do the work given by the school on time. Only this kind of lifestyle can give a new direction to life. We can also see many students who want to pass without studying, they don’t care in any kind of effort. They make their life miserable. First of all, discipline is very important for such students.

How should discipline be followed?

We should wake up on time, take regular bath and eat a balanced diet. Whatever work we do, we should keep in mind that that work should be completed on time. We should not waste our time wandering here and there in useless things. Nor should we adopt any such habit which will have a wrong effect on our life and discipline.

How many types of discipline are there?

There are mainly two types of discipline:- 1. External discipline and 2. Internal discipline. Outwardly, discipline means bringing discipline into life on being imposed by someone, which has no value; This too lasts only for a short time in life. Whereas only internal discipline has value in life. Because unless we adopt anything internally, that thing and goal will never be fulfilled.

What is the purpose of discipline?

The purpose of discipline is to maintain peace in the society, to keep social or economic economy under control, to maintain governance, to keep life in the right direction, to inspire man towards the work of life. What is the second name of discipline: – We can address the second name of discipline from student life. This belief has been accepted by Tribhuvanesh Bhardwaj.

How is discipline made?

We have to take care of everything in order to maintain discipline in our life, when we have to get up, at what time we have to eat, with such a routine, we have to first understand the importance of time. We have to follow the rules exactly. To complete any work, you have to maintain confidence. Along with this, we also have to keep positive thinking so that even if we face any loss in any work, we can move ahead by creating discipline.


We can conclude from this that if we start adopting discipline regularly in our life, then it is no less than a boon for us. No one can catch a disciplined person, everyone will aspire to be like him. There is no point in living life without discipline. Discipline is like riding life for us.

essay on discipline 100 words

Discipline is a basic part of life. Without this no human being can achieve success. If we want to be a good person then it is very important to bring discipline in our life. There is discipline behind the success of every human being. If you are a student and you do your studies with a discipline, nothing can stop you from scoring good marks in the examination. If you work in a private company. If you do that work with full discipline, then no one can stop you from making a successful person.

essay on discipline 300 words

I didn’t get good marks in my exam. Did you do your studies with discipline?, the question is because if you had studied with full discipline before the exam, you would have definitely scored good marks. The scholars who are climbing the ladder of success today have only discipline behind them. He has done all his work with a discipline. There are many people in this world who do all their work with discipline. Without discipline our life is unsuccessful. Adopting discipline is very difficult for us in the beginning, because we are not aware of any work at once, but if we adopt it completely, then its result will be most beneficial for us.

We should make every effort to bring discipline in our life. Like when we have to wake up in the morning, at what time we have to study, at what time we have to have lunch-dinner, we have to follow the routine with full discipline. Along with this, we also have to keep a positive thinking. If we keep positive thinking, then our whole work will become easy.

Discipline creates a great opportunity for us. Also teaches a right way to move forward in life. With discipline we can make our life very good in less time. When a disciplined person works for the society, all his qualities become an example. People behave well with a disciplined person. But neither society nor people deal well with an undisciplined person. That’s why every person in life should become a good person by following discipline.

10 lines on discipline

  1. Discipline is very important for our life.
  2. We have to follow discipline in our life from today itself.
  3. Without discipline we cannot achieve success in our life.
  4. If we do not follow discipline, then our life can go towards failure.
  5. Discipline makes us a better person.
  6. Following discipline is the biggest quality of a scholar.
  7. Lack of discipline in life makes us lazy, careless and careless.
  8. Discipline gives us respect in life.
  9. Discipline in life is no less than a boon for us.
  10. The results of discipline will be most beneficial to us.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Discipline Essay

Question 1- What do you understand by discipline?

Answer 1: Discipline is very important for every human being like eating, drinking, living, sleeping, roaming around etc. The meaning of discipline is clear, if there is no discipline then there is no success in life.

Question 2- What is the importance of discipline in life?

Answer 2: Just like water is very important to live life, similarly discipline is also very important in life. Discipline is important not in any one work but in every part of life.

Question 3- What is the importance of discipline in the life of a student?

Answer 3: Discipline helps the student in many ways in student life. If the student takes discipline into his life from the very beginning, then nothing can stop him from achieving success at every step. That’s why discipline is very important in the life of a student.

Question 4- How many types of discipline are there?

Answer 4: There are mainly two types of discipline:- External and internal discipline. Read full details from above article.

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