Essay On Children’s Day In English

Essay On Children’s Day In English– Children’s Day, as the name itself suggests, is Bal Diwas i.e. children’s day. Those children whom we call true of mind, who accept the form of God, whose heart is as soft as a flower and who are the bright future of our country. When we are kids, we want to grow up quickly but when we grow up, we want to be kids again. It is true that neither childhood ever comes back nor the days of childhood.

Essay on Children’s Day

Therefore, on the special occasion of Children’s Day, has brought you Children’s Day Essay in English, so that you can get detailed information about Children’s Day. To know about Children’s Day, you can read the Essay on Children’s Day in English given on this page. By reading our Children’s Day Essay In English, you can know when Children’s Day is celebrated, why Children’s Day is celebrated, how Children’s Day is celebrated, what is the importance of Children’s Day etc.

We have tried to write Children’s Day Essay in very simple, easy and clear language, so that you can easily understand this Children’s Day Essay In English. You can get information by reading Children Day Essay In English given on this page and you can also show it in school by writing Essay On Children Day In English through this page, you can read Essay on Children’s Day in 100 words, Essay on Children’s Day in 200 words as well as Essay on Children’s Day in 10 lines. Essay on Children’s Day in English Read from below.


This special day of children celebrated as Children’s Day is special for all the children of the country. Children’s mind is pure and true. We also say that children are truthful in mind. When a child is in the raw age of his life, he understands the way we explain to him. Every parent loves their children very much and forgets their sorrow for the happiness of their children. For a teacher, his students are like his own children, whom he teaches to walk on the right path of life by giving them the best of education. But don’t know even today in our country there are so many children who are orphans and have lost their way from the right path. We need to focus our attention towards such children.

When is Children’s Day celebrated?

Every year we celebrate 14th November as Children’s Day. This day also happens to be the birthday of India’s first Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, so Children’s Day is celebrated in his honor as well. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was very fond of children and the children also fondly called him Chacha Nehru. Read below to know why and how Children’s Day is celebrated and the importance of Children’s Day.

Why is Children’s Day celebrated?

Children’s Day is dedicated to Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and Children’s Day is celebrated only on the occasion of his birthday. Chacha Nehru was born on 14 November 1889. Chacha Nehru loved children very much. Therefore, after his death on May 27, 1964, the then government announced that Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru’s birthday would now be celebrated as Children’s Day in India and since then every year November 14 is celebrated as Children’s Day in India. A departure began that continues to this day.

Despite being such a tall leader of the Congress party and the Prime Minister of India, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru always remembered to meet and love children. He loved being and playing with children. Chacha Nehru always used to say the same thing for children that children are the future of this country, so it is necessary that they get love and care so that they too can stand on their own feet. The future of this country will be bright and secure only when we take steps to make the future of our children bright and secure. Children’s Day is celebrated every year to pay tribute to Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and to keep alive the spirit of his love for children.

How was Children’s Day celebrated?

Children’s Day is celebrated on 14 November in different ways. This day is very special for children. Children start the day by paying homage and remembering Chacha Nehru. Many types of competitions are also held in the school on Children’s Day, such as general knowledge quiz, debate, essay writing, story writing, story-script writing, poem writing, speech etc. Children of all ages participate in these competitions with great enthusiasm. Apart from this, many sports competitions are also held in schools on this day. On Children’s Day, children also read the thoughts of Chacha Nehru and try to adopt them in their lives. On this day people also distribute food, clothes, books and other education items to the needy children. The day of Children’s Day awakens the feeling of love and respect towards such orphan children, which they remain deprived of.

What is the importance of Children’s Day?

The importance of Children’s Day is very big and deep. We can see the importance of Children’s Day by linking it with child development and we can link child development with the development of the country. The importance of Children’s Day tells us how we should treat children. We should understand and love other’s children and those children who are orphans in the same way as we understand and love our own children. Children’s mind is very fickle and soft. Any small thing done by us makes a big impact on their mind. That’s why we should keep in mind that we should not say or do anything in front of the children which will affect their future. We should pay special attention to the knowledge and values given to children. Apart from this, the mental and physical development of children should also be taken care of. The proper development of the children will be the proper development of our country.


Children’s Day is an opportunity to be a child again with children and to love them. Along with explaining to the children, we should also understand them. For children, Chacha Nehru used to say that “Children are like buds in a garden and should be nurtured with care and love, as they are the future of the country and the citizens of tomorrow.”

Essay on children’s day in 100 words

Children’s day is specially children’s day and children are the future of our country. Every year Children’s Day is celebrated on 14 November and this day also happens to be the birthday of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India. Seeing Chacha Nehru’s infinite love for children, his birthday was celebrated every year as Children’s Day. On the occasion of Children’s Day, all the children remember Chacha Nehru and pay tribute to him. The main objective of celebrating Children’s Day is to create awareness of love, rights and education towards children among the people so that the future of children can be better than today.

Essay on children’s day in 200 words

Children’s Day started with the aim of creating awareness among people about the development of children in India, the real condition of children and their bright future. Children’s Day is celebrated every year on 14 November in the country. On the occasion of Children’s Day, special attention is given to building the future of such children who are neglected by the society and who do not have all kinds of resources. Such children are also deprived of the basic facilities of life which are helpful for building their future. It becomes difficult for such children not only to build a future, but also to live far away. In such a situation, these children take the wrong path and unknowingly even start committing crimes.

That’s why it becomes the responsibility of all of us to support such children sincerely so that these children can also do something good in their life and can be useful for the country. We should take its education and inspiration from Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and his thoughts on Children’s Day, who considered all children as their own and did everything possible for them. We should help such children who are children of exploited and neglected section of the society and who do not have resources available. If we contribute even a little bit in educating such children, then not only these children but also the society and the country will develop. The purpose of Children’s Day will also be successful only when every child of the country will stand on his own feet and the list of children belonging to the neglected class will gradually start ending.

10 lines on children’s day

  1. Children’s Day is celebrated every year on 14 November in India.
  2. Children’s Day is special for all children.
  3. Children’s Day is the birthday of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of the country.
  4. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru’s birthday is celebrated as Children’s Day.
  5. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru loved children very much.
  6. Children also used to fondly call Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru as Chacha Nehru.
  7. On Children’s Day, all children remember and pay tribute to Chacha Nehru.
  8. Many types of programs are organized in schools on Children’s Day.
  9. The purpose of celebrating Children’s Day is to awaken the feeling of love and education towards children within the people.
  10. The importance of Children’s Day is that the future of children can be bright.


Question 1- Why do we celebrate Children’s Day on 14 November?

Answer 1: Because the country’s first Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was born on this day and he loved children very much.

Question 2- How did Children’s Day start?

Answer 2: Children’s Day started on 27 May 1964 after the death of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. After which every year on 14 November, Children’s Day is celebrated on his birthday.

Question 3- How is Children’s Day celebrated in the school?

Answer 3: Various programs and competitions are organized in the school on Children’s Day.

Question 4- Whose birthday is on 14th November?

Answer 4: Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.

“Happy Children’s Day” to all children from

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