Essay on air pollution in English

Essay on Air Pollution in English – Out of all types of pollution, air pollution is considered to be the most dangerous pollution because, at the same time, it affects the environment, nature, natural resources, human beings, plants, animals, animals- Birds, air, water, etc. can affect all together very fast. Air pollution leaves its side effects on human life in many ways and can become a serious problem in the times to come. If its solution is not found in time, it will gradually destroy nature.

Essay on air pollution

Essay on air pollution In English, what is air pollution, what causes air pollution, what types of air pollution, and how air pollution happens, from our page You can learn about the effects of pollution, prevention of air pollution etc. You can use Air Pollution Essay in English as a help in Essay Competitions on Air Pollution in English held at schools, colleges, etc. Apart from this, in this article, you can get detailed information related to an essay on air pollution in English.

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Air Pollution Essay In English


By air, we mean wind or wind. It is from the air that we get oxygen, which is essential for life on earth. Then whether it is a human being, trees-plants or animals. Everyone needs pure and clean air to survive. But are we able to breathe clean air today? Why do we need cylinder oxygen despite the natural oxygen we get from trees and plants? Why this time has come that we have to cover our face with a cloth or a mask while going out? There is only one reason for this and that is “pollution” which is spreading rapidly. Pollution has not only harmed nature but has also given birth to epidemics.

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What is air pollution?

First of all, we try to know what is air pollution. Actually, air pollution is made up of external elements in our environment and the whole atmospheric air. These elements are produced by small and big industries and countless motor vehicles. These dangerous, harmful, and poisonous gases exert their side effects on our weather, plants, animals, birds, and humans. Human resources are one of the main factors of air pollution. The reason for the maximum air pollution is the activities done by humans. These activities include the burning of oil, the burning of dirty garbage, the burning of plastics, the release of harmful gases, smoke from factories, motor vehicles, etc.

due to air pollution

There are two main reasons for air pollution, the first natural reason, and second man-made reason. Due to both these reasons, air pollution is created. But if compared, most of the air pollution has increased due to man-made reasons. Following are the other causes of air pollution-

  • poisonous gas and lava coming out of the volcano
  • natural forest fire
  • Dust and dirt fly all the time in the atmosphere
  • strong winds, storms, and storms
  • Contaminated gas coming out of big industries and factories
  • deforestation
  • population growth
  • toxic substances released from nuclear tests
  • foul smell
  • smoking
  • stubble burning by farmers

These are all the causes of air pollution which we are all aware of and which we can identify. Despite recognizing these reasons, we ignore them and keep silent forgetting them. But now there is a need to identify the causes of air pollution in time and solve it immediately and eliminate the problem of pollution.

types of air pollution

Air pollution is only one of the types of pollution, but air pollution also has its own types, such as-

  1. Discrete pollution- Many types of pollutants are found flying in solid form in the air. Such pollutants include dust, ash, etc. Its particles are large and wide in size, which spread on the surface of the earth and spread pollution. This type of pollution is called particulate pollution.
  2. Gaseous pollution- Many types of gases are created by the activities that humans do and many types of natural elements are also present in this creation. The smoke that gets mixed in the air on the burning of oxides and nitrogen is called a gaseous pollutant.
  3. Chemical pollution- Many types of chemical substances are used in the currently running modern industries. The gas and smoke that comes out from these industries are toxic chemical gases in the atmosphere which pollute the air.  
  4. Smoke and fog pollution- Smoke and fog in our atmosphere means that smog is formed from small particles of water vapor and water droplets found in the air. Due to this haze, suffocation is created in the atmosphere and visibility also reduces considerably.

effects of air pollution

Due to the continuous increase of air pollution and its uncontrolled nature, many of its side effects are coming to the fore. These side effects are posing a serious threat to the future and life on earth. The following are some of the serious side effects of air pollution, such as-

exacerbation of diseases 

Cleanliness is the most important need for all of us to live on this earth. Without cleanliness, we cannot survive even for a moment. If our air itself is polluted, then due to this the risk of asthma, asthma, cancer, headache, stomach diseases, allergies, and heart diseases will increase. These diseases can prove to be very harmful and fatal to our health.

low oxygen 

Due to air pollution, oxygen is also decreasing on the earth. Earlier the amount of oxygen in our atmosphere was 24 percent, but gradually now its amount is also decreasing. According to research, now the amount of oxygen in our environment has reduced to only 22 percent.

The premature death of animals and birds 

Don’t know how many animals are dying every day due to lack of clean air and oxygen. Due to air pollution, some species of animals and birds are becoming completely extinct. If air pollution continues to increase like this, then a day will come when no living creature will survive on the earth.

affect the environment 

Due to the high amount of pollution in the air, the entire environment of the earth is getting badly affected. Because of this the balance of the earth is also deteriorating. Every day one or other disaster or epidemic keeps on coming. The reason for all this is pollution. If we have to save our environment, then air pollution has to be reduced.

acid rain 

Due to air pollution, many types of harmful gases are found in the clean air. Sulfur dioxide is the most dangerous of these gases. When it dissolves in the air and when it rains, it reacts with water to form sulfuric acid, which is called acid rain. In common language, we also call it acid rain or acid rain, due to which many diseases spread. Due to dissolving in water, it goes directly into our bodies and causes many different types of serious diseases.

rise in temperature 

Along with increasing air pollution, the temperature of the earth is also increasing continuously. According to research, if air pollution continues to increase at this rate, then the temperature of the earth will also increase rapidly. If the Earth’s temperature increases even by two to three percent, the ice glaciers of the Earth may melt and severe floods may occur. If this happens, then the earth can be completely destroyed.

prevention of air pollution

To reduce air pollution and to control it, we have to start with small measures only. Everyone’s participation will help in eliminating air pollution. The measures to prevent air pollution are as follows-

Planting more and more trees – If we want to control air pollution, then we have to plant more and more trees and plants. Because oxygen comes out from trees and plants and they take carbon dioxide, due to which most of the polluted air gets cleaned. But in today’s time, only trees and plants are being cut and destroyed the most, due to which the problem of air pollution is increasing continuously.

Promoting Population Control- The problem of population growth is the most serious problem and the whole world is grappling with this problem. If we can control the population growth, then the amount of carbon dioxide in the environment will also be less and we will need to set up fewer industries, which will automatically reduce pollution. Population growth is also the main reason for air pollution.

Reducing industries and factories – To reduce air pollution, we also have to close those industries and factories which pollute more. The height of the chimneys of the factories we need should also be high. By doing this, our atmosphere will also be least affected.

Find new sources of energy – To run factories, factories, machines, etc. we have to find new sources of energy. We have to reduce the use of coal and nuclear energy. We have to make maximum use of solar energy. By doing this there will be no air pollution and we will also get energy completely.

Use of public vehicles – To reduce air pollution, we have to stop using private vehicles and use more and more public vehicles. This initiative will also reduce air pollution.

Legal control is necessary- To control air pollution, the government of our country should make new rules and regulations. Apart from this, certificates related to pollution control will also have to be made mandatory and people will have to learn to follow the air pollution law strictly.

Need for public awareness – To get control over pollution, we have to make people conscious and aware of pollution. Pollution should be included in the curriculum in all schools so that children from childhood know how pollution spreads and how to prevent it from spreading. Apart from this, we should go to every village and explain to the people there through street plays that how harmful pollution is to our health. Only after all these efforts can we be successful in controlling air pollution.


The problem of air pollution is such a serious problem that the more we make people aware of it, the sooner we will be able to cure this problem. We will have to do the work of making people aware by staying at the ground level, going among them, and telling them about the side effects of this problem. But before that we have to be aware of ourselves, we have to change ourselves and first of all, we have to start with ourselves, then somewhere we can imagine an air pollution-free India.

Frequently asked questions related to air pollution – FAQs

People also ask

Question- How does air pollution happen?

Ans- The accumulation of harmful pollutants in the air is called air pollution. High population, vehicles, and unbalanced industrialization are the main reasons for this.

Question- What is air pollution?

Ans- Pollutants can be classified as primary or secondary. Primary pollutants are substances that are directly emitted from a process, such as ash from volcanic eruptions, carbon monoxide gas from motor vehicles, and sulfur dioxide gas from factories. Secondary pollutants are not emitted directly.

Question- What is the meaning of air pollution?

Answer- Air pollution is the role of humans in the environment of chemicals, micro matter or organic matter, which harms human beings or other living beings or the environment. Air pollution causes deaths and respiratory diseases.

Question- What are the air pollutants?

Ans- Carbon Monoxide: Emitted from the combustion process. Ground-level ozone: A secondary pollutant formed by a chemical reaction between oxides of nitrogen and volatile organic compounds in the presence of sunlight.

Question- What are the sources of air pollution?

Ans- The common pollutant gases released during the burning of coal, kerosene oil, firewood, dung cake, smoke from cigarettes, etc. are carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, etc. about 90%.

Question- What is air pollution, tell the reasons for it.

Answer: Smoke coming out of vehicles. Smoke and chemicals coming out of industrial units. Gases and dust particles come out of nuclear plants. Smoke emanates from the burning of trees and plants in forests, the burning coal and oil refineries, etc.

Question- What should we do to stop pollution?

Answer- To avoid chemical pollution, use organic manure instead of chemical, paper instead of plastic, cotton cloth, or jute instead of polyester. Apart from this, do not throw plastic bags on the way, and plant more and more trees and plants and greenery. Apart from this, follow all the laws related to chemistry.

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